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向消费品安全委员会举报每一个事件Report Every Incident to the CPSC

向消费品安全委员会举报每个事件。Report every incident to the CPSC.

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消费者商品安全委员会主席特南鲍姆说,我们现在准备好了着手解决这个问题。We are now ready to get to work fixing this problem, ' said CPSC chief Inez Tenenbaum.

例外有些玩具是安全健康安全的,你可以在消费产品安全委员会的网页上看到最新的被召回的玩具名单。Another safe toy resource is healthy toys, and the CPSC website lists the most up to date toy recall lists.

所以消费者产品安全委员会没有针对性爱工具的安全报告,也没有其专门的产品信息发布。There are no CPSC reports on sexual device safety, and specific product information is not publicly released.

之前,消费者产品安全委员会有一个联邦监察小组,除了实行玩具召回之外没有其它权力。Previously, the CPSC remained a federal watchdog group with little power other than toy recall implementation.

美国消费者商品安全委员会主席伊内兹·特南鲍姆本月早些时候来中国参加了一次美中消费者产品安全峰会。CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum went to China earlier this month for a U. S. -China consumer product safety summit.

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CPSC的了500多页的有关规定,从受影响的各方意见的价值,许多来自痛苦小生意的人。The CPSC got more than 500 pages worth of comments on the provision from affected parties, many from anguished small-business people.

消费者商品安全委员会发言人说,已经通知中国政府,美国正寻求一种公平、公正的方式来解决问题。A CPSC spokesman said the agency has told the Chinese government the U.S. is looking for 'a just and fair approach' to resolving the issue.

什么新的行为是不增加的美元数额的消费品安全委员会可以对作为民事惩罚侵犯每个它所管理的行为。What the new act does is increase the dollar amounts that CPSC can impose as civil penalties for violations of each of the acts it administers.

本周,美国消费商品安全委员会将发布两份报告,说明其对中国产和美国产干墙进行检测的初步结果,第三份报告将于下月公布。This week, the CPSC will release two reports detailing initial results of its tests on Chinese- and U.S.-made drywall, with a third due next month.

我像下一个妈妈一样热爱一家好的旧货商店或者是寄卖店,但在你把玩具给孩子们玩之前,你必须查一查二手玩具是否在消费品安全委员会的清单上。I love a good garage sale or consignment store as much as the next mama, but you have to check out secondhand toys at the CPSC site before you give them to kids.

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消费者商品安全委员会说,一个由多部门组成的干墙工作组正在与国会和白宫官员携手确定如何确认和修复受影响的房屋,并为房屋维修提供资金。The CPSC said an interagency drywall task force is working with congressional and White House officials to determine how to identify and fix affected homes and fund repairs.

新法规的出台,使得消费产品安全委员会得以更多的经费和行政权来打击生产不安全玩具的制造商,但这个过程是需要时间的。As a result of the new legislation, the CPSC has been given both a larger budget as well as more administrative power against unsafe toy makers but the transition is taking time.