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是穿过黑暗的迷宫般的深处。Through what mazy depth of gloom.

快乐的路迷宫般的路我们踏行。A merry road, a mazy road, and such as we did tread.

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车加快速度,不久就抛开了其它车辆。The car put on speed and soon pulled mazy from the other vehicles.

如此,我继续旅行,不知下一个城市有多远,开始迷惘。Thus, I go on traveling on my way but don't know how long can I get to the next city, becoming mazy.

一位从事商场设计的专家说,宜家内部的布局,是这个家具销售连锁企业心理武器,让消费者不再想着自己口袋里有多少钱。The home furnishing chain's mazy layouts are a psychological weapon to part shoppers from their cash, an expert in store design claims.

这家家居连锁店让人摸不着头脑的布局实际上是一个精心设计,用来在心理上诱使顾客与他们的钞票说再见的营销武器。The home furnishing chain’s mazy layouts are a psychological weapon to part shoppers from their cash, an expert in store design claims.

进球是以纳瓦斯的长距离奔袭开始,并由处于攻击中场位置的法布雷加斯助攻。The goal was fitting in that it started with a long, mazy run from Navas, and was assisted by Fabregas from an advanced midfield position.

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这名优秀的中后卫在本方半场向前冲并与多塞纳进行精妙配合,助攻库伊特进球追平比分。The classy centre-back went on a mazy run from his own half and linked up well with Andrea Dossena before finding Dirk Kuyt to score the equaliser.

我没有睡意,在墙上用迷乱的线条刻画出一些奇异的形象——生翼的马儿,人面的花儿,肢体如蛇的女子。Sleepless, I carved on the walls fantastic figures in mazy bewildering lines-winged horses, flowers with human faces, women with limbs like serpents.

你说马拉多纳是你的偶像,很喜欢他进英格兰的那个一条龙。You've talked about Diego Maradona being your football inspiration, and being agog as a seven-year-old at the famous mazy dribble he scored against England.

你是从墨黑的河岸上,从远处愁楚的树林边,穿过昏暗迂回的曲径,磕磕绊绊来到我身边的吗,我的朋友?By what dim shore of the ink-black river, by what far edge of the frowning forest, through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading thy course to come to me, my friend?

是从墨黑的河岸上,是从远远的愁惨的树林边,是穿过昏暗迂回的曲径,你摸索著来到我这里吗,我的朋友?By what dim shore of the ink-black river, by what far edge of the frowning forest, through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading thy course to come to me, my friend?

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这位乌拉圭前锋在裤子的三个进球中都扮演者重要的角色,其中就包括在红膜拥挤的禁区内凌波微步过三关斩四将。The Uruguayan forward played a part in all three of Dirk Kuyt's goals, including a mazy dribble past four visiting defenders inside a crowded penalty area to set up the opener.

本场最佳球员!小个子的边锋参与了所有的进球,他风骚的跑位帮助博格达尼首开纪录,在上半场结束前他一脚低射攻破米兰大门!The diminutive winger had a hand in all of the goals as his mazy run led to Bogdani's opener before he found the back of the net with a low drive before the end of the first half.

克罗奇在在对希腊人的比赛中只打了上半场,并用他迷踪步般的带球突破是加西亚打开了胜利之门。Crouch played the first 45 minutes against the Greeks before being replaced at half time, and more than made his mark with a mazy run which led to Luis Garcia's opener for the Reds.