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你怎么能忍受这个?How can you tolerate that?

他对盘尼西林无耐药力。He can't tolerate penicillin.

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我们不能容忍这种浪费现象。We cannot tolerate such waste.

我不能容忍她的粗鲁无礼。I cannot tolerate her rudeness.

我们不能容忍他的错误。We can't tolerate his mistakes.

我不能容忍那个粗鲁的家伙。I can't tolerate that rude fellow.

我不能忍受起内哄。I won't tolerate this in-fighting!

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爱,须能容忍不完美。Love must tolerate un- perfectness.

你怎么能容忍那个自大的糊涂虫呢?。How can you tolerate that pompous idiot ?

我该容忍多大限度的预先设计?How much up-front design do you tolerate?

我们不容许在图书馆里抽烟。We don't tolerate smoking in the library.

我该容忍多大限度的预先设计?How much upfront design should I tolerate?

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学会宽容,可以使人心胸开朗。Learning how to tolerate can open our mind.

你为什麽要忍受那个冒失的家伙呢?Why will you tolerate that impudent fellow?

她怎能忍受得了那男人的轻浮?。How could she tolerate the men's frivolity ?

我们怎么能忍受不能连接网络呢?How can we even tolerate not being connected?

我受不了我的老板,他太挑剔了。I can't tolerate my boss ,he is too nit-pick.

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很多日本人没办法忍受和平主义。Many japanese cannot tolerate that pacificism.

然而,他们忍受脱脂酸奶很好。However, they tolerate nonfat yogurt very well.

我不能够忍受一个男人老是粘着我。I cannot tolerate a man who likes to follow me.