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天气真坏!Rough weather!

他是个外粗内秀的人。He is rough diamond.

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我的皮肤摸起来很粗糙。My skin feels rough.

这时,有人使劲儿把我摇醒。A rough shake woke me.

他是一个可塑之材。He is a rough diamond.

路非常不平。The road is very rough.

这纸很粗拙。This paper feels rough.

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猫的舌面是毛糙的。A cat's tongue is rough.

不要和她动粗。Don't get rough with her.

说话别那么干。Don't have a rough tongue.

我给了他一个大约的预算。I gave him a rough budget.

这些粗床单使人发痒。These rough sheets tickle.

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托马斯,您对小布什一贯非常批判,Tom,,you’ve been very rough on him.

他大致的意思是这样的That's a rough translation.

这匹马骑起来不舒服。This horse is a rough ride.

他作好了艰苦战斗的准备。He girded for a rough fight.

海面被风吹起的水沫。The wind made the sea rough.

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这计划还很粗糙。The plan is yet in the rough.

有些池波冲劲也可能很猛。Some wave pools can get rough.

最近“搬家”二字一听就头疼。RCT "move" become a rough word.