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我们该设法把锅里边刷净。We should try to scour the pot out.

分为护肤膏和洗涤剂。Cent creams to protect skin and scour.

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妈妈让我把家里的银器都擦亮。Mother made me scour the family silver.

请擦去刀上的锈斑。Please scour rust spots from the knife.

然后我们象这样冲洗肠子!要很小心哦!Then we scour them like this! VERY carefully!

我有没有说过我会弄到票的?呼啦!Did I say I was gonna scour the tickets? Wola.

我把门锁上,对夜色下的树林注视了片刻。I lock my door and scour the woods for movement.

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藤沙发用普通洗涤剂刷洗,会损伤藤条。Cany sofa uses common scour scrub, can injure cane.

当你想买东西的时候到网上搜索一下。Scour the Internet when you have to make purchases.

达丽尔和安德列冲树林里寻找失踪的人。Daryl and Andrea scour the woods for a missing person.

他比大多数营员都要幸运,不用寻找自己的下一餐在哪里。He is luckier than most and did not scour for his next meal.

俄罗斯商人们逛遍批发毛皮、靴子的店铺。Russian traders scour its wholesale shops for furs and boots.

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冲刷是指流动中的水将任何粒径的土壤冲走的现象。Scour is the removal of material of any size by flowing water.

用去污粉可以把脏盘子擦净。You can scour dirty pans by rubbing them with scouring powder.

系统地总结泄空冲刷排沙技术。Systematically summarized technology of emptying scour sediment.

假如污迹太重,可用洗涤剂抹去,最后再干擦一遍。If smear is too heavy, usable scour efface, again dry finally brush.

遍寻该地区你很难找到中国的坚定盟友。If you scour the region for China's firm friends it is hard to find them.

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承认好了你到处查看其他人个人主页的理由和我一样。Admit it. You scour the profiles of other people for the same reason I do.

您不必冲刷的分类寻找使用廉价的婴儿床上。You don't have to scour the classifieds looking for used cheap baby cribs.

我钦佩那兀立在海边的岩石,它勇敢地迎接海的冲刷。I admire the rock standing at the sea for it endures the scour of the tide.