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第三章整理出了岳阳县筻口镇话的同音字汇。The third chapter cleans up the syllabary of Gengkou dialect.

一千年的汉唐文化对日本假名影响重大。A 1000-year-old Han-Tang culture had a major impact on the syllabary.

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当然,大量关于迈锡尼的知识,在那些表音文字被破译前就知道了But of course, a lot was known about these Mycenaeans well before the syllabary was deciphered.

最后制出了同音字表,为了解无棣方言的语音结构提供重要的基础材料。Fainlly, syllabary of homophones is given to offer detailed materials to learn the sound structure.

这样,希腊人就需要规定一些“拼写惯例”来表示在希腊语音节表里面所没有的发音。In doing so, they developed "spelling conventions" to represent sound patterns found in Greek but not in the syllabary.

本文描写了广西灌阳观音阁土话的音系,内容主要包括灌阳观音阁土话的声韵调、语音特点、同音字汇三个部分。This paper describes the phonologic system and its features of Guanyinge Tuhua, Guanyang, Guangxi province, and lists the syllabary.

第一章简要介绍吴江话音系,交代实验方法和研究过程。The first chapter briefly introduces the syllabary of Wujiang dialect, states the research methods and procedures of the experiments.

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第一章简要介绍巢湖方言音系,交代实验方法及过程。The first chapter briefly introduces the syllabary of Chaohu dialect and states the research methods and procedures of the experiments.

第一章简要介绍南京方言的音系,交代实验的方法和过程。The first chapter briefly introduces the syllabary of Nanjing dialect and states the research methods and procedures of the experiments.

描写广西贺州市贺街本地话的音系,内容主要包括本地话的声韵调和语音特点、同音字汇两个部分。The present paper describes the phonetic system of Hejie dialect, mainly including its tones, phonetic characteristics and syllabary list.

本文描写湖南汨罗长乐方言音系,主要包括长乐方言的声韵调及其特点、长乐方言同音字汇。The paper describes the phonological system and its features of Changle dialect in Miluo county, Hunan province and lists its homophony syllabary.

本文介绍江西省武宁县礼溪话的声韵调、音韵特点和同音字汇。The paper describes the phonological system and its features, and lists its homophony syllabary of Lixi dialect in Wuning County, Jiangxi province.

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描写广西贺州市贺街本地话的音系,内容主要包括本地话的声韵调和语音特点、同音字汇两个部分。This paper describes the phonology of Hakka dialect in Shijiao, Lianjiang, including phonological system and its features, and lists the syllabary.

同音字汇反映了绍兴方言稍早时声韵母的内部分歧和目前的老年口音。The syllabary reflects the internal phonological discrepancies within Shaoxing dialect in earlier time as well as the present speech of the seniors.

本文扼要介绍了山西临猗县的概况,描写了临猗方言的音系和主要语音特点,详细整理出临猗方言的同音字汇。With a brief introduction of Linyi county, this paper describes the phonological system, and its major features and a detailed syllabary of Linyi dialect.

介绍江西省井冈山市砻市镇方言的声韵调、音韵特点和同音字汇。The paper describes the phonological system and its features, and lists its homophony syllabary of Longshii dialect in Jinggangshan County, Jiangxi province.

本文介绍广西东部贺州市八步区鹅塘镇“八都话”的语音系统,与中古音作简略比较,并列出同音字汇。The paper introduces the phonology of Badu Tuhua in Etang, Babu district, Hezhou city, Guangxi Autonomous Region, which is compares it with the MC phonology, and lists its homophony syllabary.