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他嗒嗒地拍发了一份摩尔斯电码的电报。Morse code was an early code in telegraphy.

他在电信技术领域获得多项专利。He obtained patents in such fields as telegraphy.

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在很长的一段时间里,他的所有发明都与电报有关。For a long time all his inventions had to do with telegraphy.

在世贸协定中的一些电信条款现在要慢慢兑现。In WT O's accord have some telegraphy article will be encash.

用无线电多于电缆的电报。Telegraphy in which messages are transmitted by radio instead of wire.

无线线、电话及收音机的发明都归功于这一法则。Wireless telegraphy , the phonograph and the radio are based on this law.

信息通讯网络集团是西门子在电报电话通讯领域的一个分支。Siemens ICN presented a natural outgrowth of Siemens's work in telegraphy and telephony.

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基于API的媒体网关是一套电信增值业务平台的子系统。The media gateway system is a sub-system of the telegraphy increment business development platform.

1909年,他与K·F·博朗凭借无线电报技术赢得诺贝尔物理学奖。He received, jointly with K. F. Braun, the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics for work in wireless telegraphy.

“我们处在了最初级的阶段,因为人们曾经运用录音或电信技术实现过,”他说。"We're at the very earliest stages, as people once were with sound recording or telegraphy , " he said.

他对电报进行了实验——通过电线来传播信息。Among others, he experimented with the idea of telegraphy – sending messages over a wire by electricity.

瓦洛夫无奈只好按照他们的要求给美军飞虎队司令陈纳德将军发报。Valov had no choice but to follow their requirements for the American Flying Tigers commander General Chenault telegraphy.

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马可尼和卡尔。费迪南德。布劳恩共同获得诺贝尔物理奖,以表彰他们开发无线电报技术。Marconi shares the Nobel Prize in Physics, with Karl Ferdinand Braun for their work in the development of wireless telegraphy.

水蒸汽、煤气、电力、电信、无线技术、汽车还有飞机,每一样东西都揭示出新世界到来的可能性。Steam, gas, electricity, telegraphy , wireless, the automobile, the aeroplane—each opens up possibilities of new worlds yet to come.

用有线、线电、报、话、真或其它方法发送信号、文或其它形式的消息。The dispatching of a signal, message, or other form of intelligence by wire, radio, telegraphy , telephony, facsimile, or other means.

例如移动的1860、电信的1000号和10000号客服系统等已成为消费者非常熟悉的品牌。For example, the Call Center System of Mobile Company's 1860, Telegraphy Company's 1000 and 10000 are very familiar brands for consumers.

因此,在吸取英、美两国的经验教训后制定符合我国国情的电信法宜早不宜迟。Therefore, after learning UK and US's experience formulates conforms to our country national condition telegraphy should be set up early.

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随着电信技术的发展,用户需求的改变,移动增值业务逐渐成为电信产业的新宠。As the telegraphy developed and the consumers' demands changed, the mobile value-added services have gradually become the hot point of the telecommunication industry.

河北邮电通讯事业的发展到1935年就已经出现了集邮政、电报、电话于一室的邮电局,昭示出未来邮电通讯事业的发展方向。By 1935, the post and communication office that includes post, telegraphy and telephone had appeared in Hehei, which declared the developing direction of posts and telecommunications in the future.