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这是一部幽默小说。This is a humorous novel.

超幽默的真人版“最后的晚餐”!How humorous the "Last Supper" is!

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你不给承诺,却问我是否还守著你的梦!Love is a humorous story, I think.

烦死了,我可被那滑稽的鸡叫声吵醒了。I was woken up by that humorous cockcrow.

Calderwood先生也是一位很幽默的老师。Mr. Calderwood was also a humorous teacher.

她能幽默地把这故事讲得娓娓动听。She can dish up the story in a humorous way.

演讲者的开场白很幽默。The speaker's opening remarks were humorous.

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趋于拥有好看的外貌。幽默且搞笑。Tends to be good-looking. Humorous and funny.

这点很好,希区柯克很幽默。That's a very good point. Hitchhock is humorous.

但是偶尔也会来点冷幽默。However, occasionally humorous to point the cold.

老师以幽默风趣的语调,把故事讲得娓娓动听。The teacher dished up the story in a humorous way.

不等我讲完那幽默故事他就笑起来了。He laughed before Icould finish the humorous story.

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放应幽默机智是一种快乐。Happiness is responding in a humorous and witty way.

美国有着强盛的幽默写作传统。America has a puissant tradition of humorous writing.

当雾散时,乘客们中的紧张情绪才缓和。His humorous remark relieved the tension in the room.

这位诗人在大庭广众之下大声朗诵他的幽默诗句。The poet ranted his humorous verses before a big crowd.

乍听起来,这话很能理解,甚至还有点幽默。At first glance, it seems understandable, even humorous.

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幽默是生活波涛中的救生圈。Humorous is lives in the mighty waves life-saving jacket.

查普曼博士以亲切幽默的方式为你一一讲解。In a friendly, often humorous style, he unpacks each one.

姥爷是个不单博学,还很诙谐地人。Grandpa is not only knowledgeable, but also very humorous.