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斯达姆和玛莎答应了,于是就坐上了飞机。Stumpy and Martha agreed and up they went.

它粗短的尾巴上鬃毛浓密。It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.

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乔伊的父亲叫史丹皮,而史丹皮是斑仔的兄弟。Joy's father is Stumpy , and Stumpy is the brother of Zebra.

斯达姆和他的妻子玛莎每年都要去国家展览会。Stumpy and his wife Martha went to the state fair every year.

现在,顺利铺平玻璃上交给矮墩墩迈德斯水库。Now paved and smooth as glass on over to Stumpy Meadows Reservoir.

每年斯达姆都会说,“玛莎,我想坐一坐那里的飞机。”Every year Stumpy would say, "Martha, I'd like to ride in that there airplane."

有一年,斯达姆和玛莎去展览会,斯达姆说,“玛莎,我都已经71岁了。One year Stumpy and Martha went to the fair and Stumpy said, "Martha, I'm 71 years old.

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生物学家们长久以来认为这些短而粗的附肢是一种进化过程中的适应。Biologists have long assumed that these stumpy appendages are an evolutionary adaptation.

我只希望自己粗短的双腿能取悦这个星球新的主宰者们,好让我也能安安静静地吃着草。I only hope my own stumpy legs charm our new overlords into letting me graze in peace too.

有样东西从田野中央凸显出来,就像一根短粗的天线,代表着洛根生前或者死后的自我。Something protruded at the centre of the field, some stumpy antenna of his present or previous self.

斯达姆回答道,“当玛莎掉下去的时候,我想叫的,但是,想想十美元就这么没了,就没敢叫了。”Stumpy replied, "Well, I was gonna say something when Martha fell out, but ten dollars is ten dollars."

拉肖五十多岁,长得丑,秃头,缺腿,嘴巴贪婪的歪扭着。Lanchon was in his fifties, an ugly baldheaded man with small stumpy legs and a greedy, twitching mouth.

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佩蒂把所有的麻烦都归咎于阿拉,他们俩还和一只叫矮胖子的鳄鱼一起住,矮胖子总是穿着斑马服,试图用这种方式抓住斑仔和乔伊。Patty blames Larry for all of the mess, and they have Stumpy , a crocodile, wear a zebra suit in order to catch Zebra and Joy.

而罗杰斯塔楼,高71层350米也会变成另一个不超过5层的矮胖建筑。The Rogers building, 71 storeys and about 350 metres, would also become "another stumpy building" of no more than five floors.

这个才20岁的“祸水妞”稚气未脱,有时扎起粗辫子来看着更小。At 20 she was "a piece of jailbait", a mere child, especially with the stumpy plaits into which she sometimes twisted her hair.

到黎明来临时,肥仔在河边的小木屋没了踪影,人们在山谷下游发现了这位不幸房东的尸体。When morning came, Stumpy 's cabin near the river was gone. Further down in the valley they found the body of its unlucky owner.

书中像鲁智深,矮脚虎王英,和黑旋风李魁这样的角色,在旅行中,这些人物将会永远的成为你的一部分。Characters such as Sagacious Lu, Stumpy Tiger Wang, and Liu Kui the Blackwhirlwind, will forever be a part of you in your travels.

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肥仔的这个方案富于创造性、独具一格,甚至极具魄力,因此。There was something original, independent, even heroic about Stumpy's plan that pleased the men of Roaring Camp. Stumpy was tired.

幻龙有点象鳄鱼,都有扁长型的尾巴和四条短腿,它们还有一张长满了钉子状尖牙的大嘴巴。A little bit like a crocodile, Nothosaurs had a long flat tail and short stumpy legs. Plus it had a mouth full of needle-sharp teeth.

请把这类裤子归类为稍微长了那么一点的短裤。窄腿裤和工装裤是最不可饶恕的。它们无形中缩短了你的腿,让它们看起来又粗又短。Think of these pants as longer shorts. Cuffed jeans and cargos are the worst offenders. They cut your legs short and can make you look stumpy.