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黄石沙地马鞭草是黄石公园湖边特有的植物。Yellowstone sand verbena are endemic to the Yellowstone's lakeshores.

金盏花可配搭柠檬片,薄荷,紫罗兰或马鞭草。Calendula may mix with lemon slice, peppermint, blue mallow or Verbena.

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它的瓶子上非常优雅地雕刻了一片马鞭草叶。Elegantly presented in a glass spray bottled engraved with a verbena leaf.

或者再放个吊篮种上土豆,盆边上再种些马鞭草?Or planting a hanging basket with dwarf tomatoes and edge it with verbena?

薄荷和马鞭草比较安全,可口的东西不需要含有大量的甜味剂。Mint and verbena are safe, tasty choices that don't require a lot of sweetener.

茴香,佛手柑,马鞭草,雪松等有机单方精油。Organic essential oils of fennel, bergamot, verbena and cedarwood essential oils.

这里,沙丘在黄昏樱草花植物开花竖立在波浪起伏的沙漠是马鞭草属植物。Here, dune evening primrose flowers stand out in a sea of purple desert sand verbena.

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清新的海岸微风夹带着竹叶,香柠檬和柠檬木的芬芳,期间隐隐飘来淡淡的白兰花的香气。A fresh, green coastal breeze of bamboo leaf, bergamot and lemon verbena with hints of white orchid.

研究了细叶美女樱花红色素的提取条件和理化性质。Physic-chemical properties and extractions of the red pigment in flowers of Verbena tenera were investigated.

接下来,他又随手加上少许新鲜的香草──从紫罗兰花到巧克力薄荷、柠檬马鞭草。He then adds whatever fresh herbs he can get his hands on, from violet flower to chocolate mint and lemon verbena.

红色的玫瑰照亮八角和闪耀,马鞭草和红色浆果。优雅的,自然散发的不可抗拒的香味。A red carpet of roses illuminated by star anise and the sparkle of verbena and red berries. Elegant, spontaneous and irresistible.

减轻静脉驱张、腿部水肿、强化肝脏、减轻经痛、神经衰弱。European verbena can relieve venous engorgement , ease dropsy on leg, strengthen liver, reduce menorrhalgia and help neurasthenia.

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不管思嘉怎样强忍着眼中的泪水,她一接触母亲的爱抚,从她绸衣上隐隐闻到那个柠檬色草编香囊中的芳馨,便被那永不失效的魅力感动得震颤起来。back tears, Scarlett thrilled to the never-failing magic of her mother’s touch, to the faint fragrance of lemon verbena sachet that came from her rustling silk dress.

不管思嘉怎样强忍著眼中的泪水,她一接触母亲的爱抚,从她绸衣上隐隐闻到那个柠檬色草编香囊中的芳馨,便被那永不失效的魅力感动得震颤起来。In spite of her choked-back tears scarlett thrilled to the never-failing magic of her mother's touch to the faint fragrance of lemon verbena sachet that came from her rustling silk dress.

萃取天然马鞭草精华、营养补水因子,层层滋润营养,改善粗糙、干燥肌肤状况,增进肌肤表层的光泽度。Contain extracted natural verbena essence, nourishing and moisturizing factor, multi-level nourishing and moisturizing, improve rough and dry skin, and increase glossiness of skin surface.

不管郝思嘉怎样强忍着眼中的泪水,她一接触母亲的爱抚,从她绸衣上隐隐闻到那个柠檬色草编香囊中的芳馨,便被那永不失效的魅力感动得震颤起来。In spite of her choked-back tears, Scarlett thrilled to the never-failing magic of her mother's touch, to the faint fragrance of lemon verbena sachet that came from her rustling silk dress.

蕴含珍贵的天然植物杜松、迷迭香、马鞭草精华,洁净更新肌肤的同时,保持其天然的油水平衡。细腻丰富的泡沫,独特的香芬,带给肌肤舒爽清新的沐浴感受。Contain precious and natural hackmatack, rosemary and verbena extract, cleanse skin, balance natural oil and water, and make skin refreshing and comfortable with fine foam and unique fragrance.

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他端坐在餐桌上首,俨然一个须发花白的龙钟老人,一双视力衰弱和茫然若失的眼睛死死地盯着门口,脑袋略略点着,显然在谛听爱伦的衣裙啊啊声,闻着那柠檬马鞭草的香味。He sat at the head of the table, a gray old man with absent, faded eyes fastened on the door and head cocked slightly to hear the rustle of Ellen's petticoats, to smell the lemon verbena sachet.