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一个有效的药物能让开发商挣不少钱。The right Alzheimer's drug could earn a drugmaker a lot of money.

然后制药商就可以展示这种新药的良好疗效,并将其推向市场。Then the drugmaker might be able to show efficacy that's good enough to get the drug on the market.

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这家制药公司因此调低了2010年预计收入增长率,股票下跌近3个百分点。The drugmaker consequently lowered its outlook for 2010 revenue growth and its shares fell nearly 3 percent.

瑞士制药厂女发言人Novartis说,她不能证实那家公司疫苗是有效的。A spokeswoman for Swiss drugmaker Novartis said she could not confirm whether that company was working on the vaccine.

以新泽西为生产基地的默克公司被数以千计万络使用者控告,这些使用者声称他们在关节炎治疗中受到伤害。The New Jersey-based drugmaker was sued by tens of thousands of former Vioxx users who claimed to have been injured by the arthritis medicine.

药品制造商补充说,EMS杂质在药物生产过程中产生,通常认为是甲磺酸奈非那韦。The drugmaker added that the EMS impurities were caused by the manufacturing process of the drug, which is known generically as nelfinavir mesylate.

据这家北京媒体报道,黄光裕之兄黄俊钦拥有一家制药企业——山东金泰集团股份有限公司。黄可能操纵了该公司的股票。Huang may have manipulated shares of Shandong Jintai Group Co. , a Chinese drugmaker that is controlled by his brother, Huang Junqin, the Beijing-based magazine said.

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制药公司希望最终能将该疫苗用于携带可导致宫颈癌的性传播病毒的男性。The drugmaker is hoping to eventually market the vaccine for males who can be carriers of the sexually-transmitted virus that is the leading cause of cervical cancer.

这家世界最大制药商被指一再向病人和医生兜售药物用于未经批准的用途,因而面临巨额罚款.The world's biggest drugmaker was slapped with the huge fines after being deemed a repeat offender in pitching drugs to patients and doctors for unapproved conditions.

据报道,过去四年中,由于手表制造商斯沃琪集团,雀巢以及制药公司诺华股份有限公司的拉动,瑞士前The 30 largest Swiss companies reported earnings growth of 38 percent during the past four years, buoyed by exports from watchmaker Swatch Group AG, Nestle and drugmaker Novartis AG.

这家世界最大制药商被指一再向病人和医生兜售药物用于未经批准的用途,因而面临巨额罚款.The world's biggest drugmaker was slapped with the huge fines by the U.S. government after being deemed a repeat offender in pitching drugs to patients and doctors for unapproved uses.

该制药商并没有改变其全年盈利预期到2010年,但礼来公司表示,预计收入的增长率为较低的中等水平个位数,低于此前预期。The drugmaker did not change its full-year 2010 earnings outlook, but said it now expects revenue growth in the low- to mid-single digits, down from a previous estimate for mid-single digit growth.

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美国食品药品监督局那时发了一封警告给制药商并称其在收到消费者致病投诉一年多才上报监管部门。The U.S.Food and Drug Administration sent a warning letter to the drugmaker at the time, saying it had waited more than a year to notify regulators after getting complaints of customers becoming sick.