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你在书里讨论的有关“食物催眠”究竟是什么?What is a food trance?

他看上去有点神思恍惚。He seemed to be in a trance.

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吉姆这才如梦初醒。Out of his trance Jim seemed quickly to wake.

他在一位警方催眠师的引导下进入了催眠状态。He was put into a trance by a police hypnotist.

罗伯特·布茨的注解描述了简的恍惚状态。Robert Butts notes describe Janes trance state.

他恍恍惚惚昂着滚烫的脸颊,冒雨走着。He held his hot face to the rain, and walked on in a trance.

但是现在,你仿佛从恍惚中被摇醒。It is now, though, as if you are being shaken out of a trance.

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偶尔一阵闷雷响过,恍惚听见弦断声。Occasionally, a buckle ring, trance hear strings broken sound.

坐在马克的别克车上,我还有些恍忽。Sitting in Mark's Buick, I still felt a bit as if in a trance.

他那坦率、暖和的笑容和自信的模样让我不由地发怔。His broad, warm smile and air of confidence held me in a trance.

那一段日子,于天枫心情烦乱,精神恍惚。That period of time, the mood in the days maple Fanluan, trance.

她气得失魂落魄,是她妈妈在走廊里的声音唤醒了她。Her mother's voice in the corridor roused her from an angry trance.

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照片中,卡扎菲血流满面,神色恍惚。In the photo, Al-qaddafi's face is covered with blood, look trance.

吉姆好像从恍惚之中醒来,把德拉紧紧地搂在怀里。Out of his trance Jim seemed quickly to wake. He enfolded his Della.

这些照片都是在我被高原反应搞得恍恍惚惚的情况下拍摄的。All these images happened while under the trance of Altitude Sickness.

终是谁使弦断,花落肩头,恍惚迷离。In 4, who are making the string broken flower, shoulder, trance blurred.

但那就是那段恍惚时光里我心灵史中最真实的思想。But trance is that time in my mind the most authentic history of thought.

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小女孩甜美的声音打破了这令人昏昏欲睡的气氛,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑吧。”Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in.

现在我会进入回答问题的神谕状态。I will now go into the oracular trance from which I shall answer your questions.

Mo'at仍然出神的站在祭坛的中心冥想。Mo'at still stands in a kind of trance amongst the tendrils of the central tree.