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我如何将哲基尔部署到子目录?。How do I deploy Jekyll to a subdirectory?

用子目录比用子域效果更好。This is more true with the subdirectory than the subdomain.

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原始目录不可以是加载点的子目录。The raw directory may not be a subdirectory of the mount point.

每个目录容不下时,再细分成子目录。Each directory Rongbu Xia, further subdivided into a subdirectory.

在数据目录的一个子目录中维护写前日志。Maintains a write-ahead log in a subdirectory of the data directory.

在上面的代码,基本情况是建立在对子目录循环。In the code above, the base case is built in the subdirectory for-loop.

这个子目录的名称使用数据库标记,并表示一个数据库。The name of this subdirectory uses the database token and represents a database.

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现在,深入到活动的子目录并添加图标和信息文件。Now you go into the activity subdirectory and add your icon and information file.

下一步是在安装子目录中打开一个文件夹,以便对根文件系统进行解压。The next step is to open a folder to the install subdirectory to decompress the root file system.

同样,每个平台客户机生成一个构建报告,也存储在修订子目录中。Also, each platform guest produces a build report that is also stored in the revision subdirectory.

库尔特打开他头盔显示器上管理子目录,访问斯巴达-104的文件。Kurt opened up the administrative subdirectory on his heads-up display and accessed SPARTAN-104's file.

一个较大的包可能拥有它自己的子目录,以便收集用于这个包的所有配置文件。A larger package might have its own subdirectory to collect all the configuration files for that package.

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安装之后,在安装子目录中有一个需要更新的文件,X0.hosts。After installing, there's one file, called X0.hosts, that you need to update in the install subdirectory.

这个命令会创建一个名为index的子目录,这个目录包含了所有Lucene源码的索引。This will produce a subdirectory called index which will contain an index of all of the Lucene source code.

为简单起见,将数据存储在应用程序运行时所在子目录下的一个文本文件中。For simplicity, you'll store the data in a text file in a subdirectory from where the application is running.

如果在子目录中禁用了继承,那么在这个子目录中创建的新文件将不会经过加密。If inheritance is disabled on a subdirectory, the new files created in this subdirectory will not be encrypted.

这个子目录将在其中运行提要聚合器程序的目录下自动创建。This subdirectory will be automatically created under the directory from where the feed aggregator program is run.

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最常见的做法是,在单独的子目录中运行每一个测试。The most common usage is that each test runs in a separate subdirectory and collects data in its own local test.pcv

传回符合指定之搜寻模式和搜寻子目录选项的档案资讯的可列举集合。Returns an enumerable collection of file information that matches a specified search pattern and search subdirectory option.

在可以由非管理员写入的系统区域中或系统区域的子目录中,是否存在要结束的内容?Is there anything that ends up in a system area or subdirectory of a system area that might be writable by non-administrators?