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他们看到,具有重商主义倾向的中国正在一门心思地抢占世界石油供应。They see a mercantilist China single-mindedly moving to preempt world oil supplies.

至于英国,即使是最热心的重商主义者也宁可将葡萄种植和酿造留给别人。As for the English, even the most ardent mercantilist would rather they left viniculture to others.

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这更像是商人对文化的态度,但这仅仅是在走其他国家已经铺好的路。It is a rather mercantilist attitude to culture, but then it is only following a well-trodden path.

希基把中国汇率政策视为在美国抢占市场份额的“重商主义计划”的组成部分。Mr Hickey sees China's currency policy as part of “a mercantilist plan” to gain market share in the US.

当就业低于生产和国民生产净值不理想,所有的揭穿重商主义的论点将变得有效。With employment less than full and Net National Product suboptimal, all the debunked mercantilist arguments turn out to be valid.

而如果重商主义的中国用这些不公正的贸易惯例对我们的生产基地发动战争,美国经济将成为大输家。Instead, when a mercantilist China uses unfair trade practices to wage war on our manufacturing base, the American economy is the big loser.

但这正是受到了中国自身重商主义政策的协助和鼓励,这一政策造成了巨额的经常账目盈余和流动性过剩。But this has been aided and abetted by China's own mercantilist policies that have created huge current account surpluses and excess liquidity.

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基于重商主义经济,这种国际格局的运作模式是联盟间实力的转换与制衡,以及高度的团结。It was about economic mercantilist power, and the mode of operation of that international system was the balance of power-shifting alliances and patterns of loyalty.

彼时,日本在双边贸易中日益增长的顺差和不断增加的外汇储备被视为日本受到操控的货币和重商主义态度的“证据”。Back then, Japan's rising bilateral trade surplus and its mounting foreign-exchange reserves were seen as "proof" of its manipulated currency and mercantilist attitude.

经济学家迟就放弃了“贸易是零和玩耍”的观念,但政治和市场在一样平常事件中仿佛仍猛攻灭陈腐的沉商宾义信心。Economists have long abandoned the view that trade is a zero-sum game, but the day-to-day worlds of politics and markets still seem to work on old mercantilist beliefs.

这种所谓的重商主义的能源获取方式也使印度的能源策略发生了转变,新德里也开始用其国有石油公司来获得国外的能源供应,使其成为印度专用。This perceived mercantilist approach to energy is in turn leading New Delhi to use its own state-owned NOCs to secure India exclusive access to foreign energy supplies.

美国人担心工作,认为中国通过重商贸易政策、低估值的货币和其他秘密方法偷窃他们的工作。Americans are worried about jobs, and China is widely perceived as stealing them, through mercantilist trade policies, an undervalued currency and other underhanded methods.

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一旦中国感到他获取重要原料的途径遭到威胁,中国的重商主义情绪就会使整个亚洲的资源不安全感更为严重。If China feels that its access to critical raw materials is being threatened, mercantilist sentiment in Beijing could harden and aggravate resource insecurities throughout Asia.

中国在19世纪70年代末期参与世界事务中,并随着复制日本和其他在世界增长最快的区域里的东亚四小龙的国家重商主义开始崛起。China entered the world market at the end of the 1970’s, rising by copying the state mercantilist practices of Japan and the other East Asian tigers in the world’s fastest growing region.

我们要求中国人重新评估其人民币,不要以牺牲我们的利益为代价进行那些贸易顺差,开始实行自由贸易,放弃那些重商主义和保护主义政策。Revalue your currency, we demand of the Chinese, stop running these trade surpluses at our expense, start practicing free trade, and abandon these mercantilist and protectionist policies.

在重商主义时期,是用黄金来弥补这个这个差额,但是现在是通过持有国际收支逆差国的现金和用该国货币的投资来弥补这个差额。In the mercantilist period, the difference was made up by a transfer of gold, but today it is made up by holding the deficit country's currency or investments denominated in that currency.