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然后对招商地产实施客户关系管理的案例进行剖析。Besides, a case of Zhaoshang real estate's performing CRM is analyzed.

本文讨论了螯合稀土钼在胶乳再生调节中的作用。The effects of the CRM on the regulation of latex regeneration is discussed.

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而“以客户为中心”正是CRM理论的核心所在。And the idea of "customer-centered" is exactly what the core of the CRM theory.

应用商店上极少应用程序能和ERP或CRM应用程序协同工作也是因为这个原因。Very few apps on the App Store work against big ERP or CRM apps because of this.

电信企业CRM的管理模型有业务型和分析型。The management model of telecom enterprise CRM has operator type and analysis type.

CRM分解图可以用来指导超大规模集成电路的设计和化简。CRM type decomposition map can guide the design and simplification of cell circuits.

本文对湖南电信公司CRM的系统架构和功能进行了详细地论述。The article puts an emphasis on the frame and function of Hunan telecom's CRM system.

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从其它系统得到的数据可以通过适当的界面转到CRM系统。Data from other systems can be transferred to CRM systems using appropriate interfaces.

最后结合国家电网公司相关文件制定了烟台供电公司CRM系统的实施计划。Finally, the practice program of Yan Tai CRM system is made based on related SGCC standards.

对CRM数据挖掘过程的关键环节——数据预处理存在问题和算法进行了研究。The key link of CRM data mining, problems and algorithm on data pre-processing, was researched.

期望对国内石化企业实施CRM有一定的指导作用。The results can be taken as direct guidance for development of CRM of petrochemical enterprises.

如果没有IT去升级CRM的工作流,运营经理就不能更改呼叫中心的流程。And an operations manager can’t change a call center process without IT updating the CRM workflow.

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基于网络的销售工具用于商业和推销员,那些人不想或者不需要一个传统的CRM包。Web-Based Sales tool for Businesses and Salesman who do not want or need a traditional CRM package.

我有一个顶点的编程语言2-3个月的项目定制的CRM项目的销售队伍。I have a 2-3 month project in the programming language APEX customizing the CRM program Sales Force.

随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,企业更是将CRM视为在竞争中出奇制胜的法宝之一。As market competition becomes more intense, enterprises regard CRM as a trump to win the competition.

最后,着重分析了CRM系统与商学院其它信息系统的数据交换和集成。Finally, the tractate analyzes the data exchange and integration between the legacy system and CRM system.

客户管理信息系统将数据仓库和数据挖掘技术应用于提供客户全方位的意见。CRM applies technologies of data warehousing and data mining to provide a 360-degree view of the customers.

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然而CRM的实施成功与否取决于诸多因素的影响,如果企业盲目引进,将很可能导致CRM的失败。But the success of CRM is decided by many factors. If enterprises adopt CRM blindly, it will cause the failure.

希望通过本文的研究,为湖南电信公司CRM系统的建设提供一定的参考借鉴。I sincerely hope the study of this article can provide reference for the directors of Hunan telecom CRM system.

最后根据中小企业的实际需求对系统进行了设计和实现。Finally designes and realizes the CRM system according to small and medium-sized enterprises'actual requirements.