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丑闻使这所学校名誉扫地。Because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute.

这家旅馆自卖起酒来之后就名声不好。The hotel fell into disrepute after they began to serve alcohol.

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不得从事任何有损NAAA或汽车拍卖业务声誉的行为。We will do nothing to bring disrepute to NAAA or the auto auction business.

但随后有关“会说话的树”的研究并没有被“复制”,植物社会性这一观点也随之变得黯然无光。Later studies on “talking trees” went unreplicated, and the idea fell into disrepute.

成批生产的艺术品只是利用新意赚钱,给好设计带来不好的名声。Mass-produced articles which do nothing but exploit novelty, have brought good design into disrepute.

但在现实世界,多数被动派感到“无神论”的整个概念已被运动派搞得声名狼藉。But in the real world, many plain atheists feel that movement atheists bring the whole notion of atheism into disrepute.

任何学生不能带来负面影响无论是在此机构内还是此机构外。No student shall behave in such a manner as to bring disrepute to the institution in one's conduct within or outside the institution.

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接着又因没能兑现过高的承诺而声名狼藉,最后再崛起,达到取得过硬成就并为大众接受的水平。Then they fall into disrepute when they fail to deliver on extravagant promises, until they eventually rise to a level of solid accomplishment and acceptance.

数十年来,任何试图探究母语对我们的思维产生影响的努力都被视为徒劳无功、沽名钓誉,人将对这种言论视为无稽之谈。The reaction was so severe that for decades, any attempts to explore the influence of the mother tongue on our thoughts were relegated to the loony fringes of disrepute.

曼联经理指控切尔西在给联赛抹黑,并质疑为什么足总没有对穆里尼奥采取行动。The Manchester United manager accused his Chelsea counterpart of bringing the game into disrepute and questioned why the Football Association had not taken any action against him.

在过去的30年,我们已经见过一系列有关商业巨富们由于腐败、贿赂、内线交易和偷税漏税而名誉扫地的实例。In the past 30 years, we have seen a string of cases of high-flying business tycoons falling into disrepute due to allegations of corruption, bribery, insider trading and tax evasion.