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请把马路扫一扫。Sweep the road, please.

你也无法清除它们。You cannot sweep it up.

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把这房间好好打扫一下。Sweep the room out well.

各人自扫门前雪。Sweep before your own door.

请把教室扫一扫。Sweep the classroom, please.

没有扫帚我无法扫。I can't sweep without a broom.

我们同在打扫脱粒桨。On we sweep with threshing oar.

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让我们把这些碎“玻璃”扫走。Let's sweep away the broken glass.

只是今夜,满庭的落叶谁来扫。Only tonight, Fullhouse who sweep?

进一步扫查其馀的地方。Further sweep the rest of the area.

单扫描示波极谱法。Single- sweep polarography was used.

今天早上有人看见李勇扫地板。Li Yong sweep the floor this morning.

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先泼点儿水再扫。Sprinkle some water before you sweep.

一屋不扫何以扫天下?。A house so why do not sweep the world?

将我扫入你的空谷吧!Sweep me away, into the vale of thine!

我必须拖地和洗碗。I must sweep the floor and wash dishes.

乔布斯站在一个有利的位置进行清扫。Jobs is in a good position to sweep uo.

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肿瘤平扫成软组织密度。Sweep a soft tissue tumor flat density.

扫地,如果有时间,最好拖一下.Sweep floors, and mop if you have time.

扫瓶板上来之前不要扔球。Don't bowl before the sweep board is up.