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我同意精英商学院处理我的申请。I give my consent to the processing of my data by TBS.

喷雾器里,一夸脱水兑四勺苏打可做成一般清洁剂。Use it for general cleaning by adding 4 tbs to 1 q of water in a spray bottle.

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喷雾器里,一夸脱水兑四勺苏打可做成一般清洁剂。Use it for general cleaning by adding 4 tbs to 1 q of water in a spray bottle.

但尽管他的电视剧在TBS电台上播出,他收入的一大部分仍来自于电视节目。But he earns a good portion of his money from TV even though his shows air on TBS.

此外,多年来尧中师兄更是发心出力维护真佛宗的传承、协助宗派的发展。In addition, through years, he has been guarding GM's linkage and helping TBS to grow.

这次TBS电视台邀请了脚本界巨匠冈田惠和将这部剧搬上银屏。The TBS TV invited script world masters TianHui hill and will move the show on the screen.

果真如此,我们将不仅失去一位同门、一位朋友,宗派亦将失去一位义工大将。If so, not only we lost a friend but also it is a big lost in TBS volunteer workforce talent.

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目的观察氟康唑粉剂联合托百士滴眼液治疗真菌性角膜溃疡的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of fluconazole powder and TBS eye drops on fungal corneal ulcer.

日本TBS电视台的幽默分析部正在努力保持领先地位,在滑稽的生意曲线。The TBS Department of Humor Analysis is working to stay ahead of the curve in the funny business.

喷雾器里,一夸脱水兑四勺苏打可做成一般清洁剂。在充分摇晃后可以清洗东西。Use it for general cleaning by adding 4 tbs to 1 q of water in a spray bottle. Shake well and wipe clean.

在一大碗中混合豆腐,菠菜,一大勺凉拌酱,一小勺麻油,一大勺芝麻,拌匀。In a big bowl add tofu, spinach, 1 Tbs peanut flavored sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 Tbs sesame seeds. Mix well.

目的评价托百士治疗眼表细菌性炎症的临床疗效。Objective Evaluating the clinic treatment effect of the treatment of eye surface bacterial inflammation with TBS.

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经支气管镜球囊扩张术是一项有效、安全、简便的治疗良性气管支气管狭窄的方法。Flexible bronchoscope balloon dilatation is an efficient, safe, simple and rapid method for treatment of benign TBS.

把白醋,白糖,酱油和一汤匙的芝麻混合放到一个小碗里。搅拌它们,直到白糖完全溶解,待用。Mix the vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, and 1 Tbs. sesame seeds in a small bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves, and set aside.

介绍了国内首台引进的“S2275肺及全身扫描计数仪”的结构性能及初步应用体会。The objective is to introduce the basic architecture, functional principle and preliminary application experience of S2275 lung and TBS counter.

2006年12月,奥巴马在接受日本TBS有线电视网的采访时说,有一次他前往东京,一名在护照上加盖公章的官员向他提起了这个小镇。Obama, speaking to Japan’s TBS network in December 2006, said that when he flew once to Tokyo, an officer stamping his passport told him of the town.

SAIC公司将提供操作和用户维护支持,以确保TBS的系统、设备和网络可以得到持续不断和可靠的技术服务。SAIC will provide operations and user maintenance support to help ensure continued, reliable technical support of TBS systems, peripherals, and networks.

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日本TBS电视台称,太地町周二进行了海豚捕杀季的首次捕杀,但没有透露被捕杀的海豚数量。Japanese broadcaster TBS said the first hunt of the season in the town of Taiji took place on Tuesday, without mentioning how many dolphins were involved.

日本TBS原引韩国和美国情报部门的消息称,上月晚些时候,第二次中风导致金正日的左手和左腿都行动不便,说话吃力。Japan's TBS TV network said Kim had suffered a second stroke late last month that affected the movement of his left arm and leg and also his ability to speak.

日本前官房副长官福山哲郎在参加TBS电视台节目中指出“今后会发生很多事情”。Japan's former Deputy Chief Housing Officer Tetsuro Fukuyama TBS television program in the participating states that "a lot of things will happen in the future."