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潘是一个县的县令。Pan was a county magistrate.

你竟敢藐视推事?How dare you bully a magistrate?

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在淳安当了四年父母官。As magistrate of Chun'an for four years.

司法官须将他交付监狱。The magistrate must commit him to prison.

盖茨黑德府是有一个叫里德的,是个地方法官。There was a Reed of Gateshead, a magistrate.

太晚了,他必须现在就去见治安推事。Too late. He must go before the magistrate now.

治安法官使他具结保证表现好。The magistrate bound him over to be of good behaviour.

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这位伟大的诗人曾经做过扬州知州。This great poet used to be the magistrate of Yangzhou.

死者中包括咖邦县副县长。The dead included cafes State County Deputy Magistrate.

副县长最终还是同意了我的请求。The assistant magistrate had finally agreed to my pleading.

地方法官然后决定是否作出组织暴力令。The magistrate then decides whether or not to make the AVO.

听讼没有持续很长时间,“有罪”检察官说到。The hearing didn't last long. "Guilty, " the magistrate said.

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农夫自豪地告诉裁判官,是那聪明女儿告诉他的。The farmer proudly told the magistrate of his clever daughter.

县长是个大烟鬼,什么事都让李去干。The magistrate was an opium smoker and let Li do all the work.

曾任登封县知县。崇祯中历台州知府,解职归。He had been the magistrate of Dengfeng County in Henan Province.

香港裁判官唐文只好飞来加拿大。Hong Kong's chief magistrate Tong Man flew over for the session.

这种会议,由县长召集,在县署开。The council is convened by the magistrate and meets in his office.

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在这同一年,获委任为裁判官菲尔丁的米德尔塞克斯。In this same year, Fielding was appointed magistrate for Middlesex.

各校对于学生裁判能力的培养不系统、不连贯。Magistrate school students do not develop the ability, not coherent.

他们当中除了那个目不识丁的执事,没有一个乡绅。There is not among them an esquire, saving the unlettered magistrate.