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医生,这该死的东西现在弄好了。Now the cussed thing's ready, Sawbones.

曾经的倔强,变成今天的执着。Once cuSsed. Into Today's DediCation . !

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教练因球队输球而厉声训斥队员。The coach cussed out the team for losing.

教练因该队在比赛中的差劲表现而把队员们狠狠地训斥了一通。The coach cussed the team out for its poor showing.

他们面临的一个困难之一就是生物物质顽固的特性。One difficulty they face is the cussed tendency of biological things to evolve.

还讨论了当地风—浪经验公式的适用程度。The applicability of some local wind-wave empirical expressions is dis cussed too.

另外,还对碳酸盐岩作盖层的条件进行了讨论。In addition, the conditions making carbonate rocks as caprocks are also dis- cussed.

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本文讨论了波浪与稳定均匀水流的相互作用问题。The interaction of a gravity wave with a steady uniform current is dis- cussed in this paper.

它尖叫和取笑乔治,所以他把鹦鹉放在冰箱里。It cussed and screamed and made fun of George, so he took the parrot and put it in the freezer.

科比曾经咒骂他的队友,然而从没有人提到乔丹也经常与自己的队友发生争执。Kobe cussed at his teammate and no one mentions that Jordan often came to fists with teammates.

医生,这该死的东西现在弄好了。再拿五块钱,要不然就别弄走它。Now the cussed thing's ready, Sawbones , and you'll just out with another five, or here she stays.

对姜汁水豆腐生产的工艺参数选型设计进行了探讨。The processing parameters and equipment selection for ginger extract soft beancurd were dis- cussed.

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本文研究了一种基于电压运算法的磁性薄膜克尔角测量方法。A method to measure Kerr rotation of magnetic film based on voltage calculation method is dis- cussed.

本文讨论了最小耗能原理在结构分析中的应用。Application of least energy consumption principle in structural analysis is dis- cussed in this paper.

本文着重介绍了盐水注射机的安装、安全使用及维护。The installation of injection ma chine and operation and maintain are briefly dis cussed in this article.

对气承式膜结构在构造及正常使用上的一些特殊性进行了说明。The particularities of construction and normal service of air-supported membrane structures are dis- cussed in detail.

阐述了节约炼焦煤资源,扩大制备水煤浆煤种范围的必要性。The necessity of expanded coal rank for CWM production and saving coking coal resources were dis- cussed in this paper.

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介绍了GSJ转镜式光学高速分幅摄影机在湍流混合规律研究中的应用。The application of Model GSJ high speed rotating mirror camera in the turbulent-mixing research experiment is dis cussed.

没有人能像杰克·格里森那样能将一个乡巴佬似的警长演得如此生动,电影中这位布福德警长号称是德克萨斯的正义化身。Nobody, but nobody, has ever cussed more colorfully on screen than Gleason as the redneck SHERIFF BUFORD T. JUSTICE, OF TEXAS!!!

介绍了生物技术发酵生产DHA和AA的工艺,并讨论了发酵产品在婴儿配方奶粉中应用的安全性。The production process of DHA and AA by fermentation and the safety of fermentation product applied in infant formula were dis cussed.