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我有止晕药片。I have some tablets for seasickness.

带上足够的晕船药。Take a good supply of seasickness pills.

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到处都是晕船的,人们没有食欲。Seasickness was everywhere and people had no appetite.

欧洲人吃瓜作为预防晕船的方法。Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness.

医生给他开了个治晕船的药方。The physician made a prescription against seasickness for him.

海运业务的金融投资者可能会有些晕船。Seaborne financial investors could be in for a bout of seasickness.

从医学角度讲,晕船是一种运动病。Medically speaking seasickness is a variation of motion sickness or kinetosis.

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谷氨酸在晕船适应的过程中可能发挥重要作用。Glutamate might play an important role in the seasickness adaptability formation.

轮船剧烈地左右晃动,许多乘客都晕船了。The ship rocked violently from side to side, causing many passengers to feel seasickness.

研究表明,晕船是更为普遍的成年人比儿童12岁以下。Studies show that seasickness is more prevalent in adults than children below 12 years old.

这个词恶心,即在那些日子里意味着晕船,已采取了更广泛的含义英文。This word nausea, that in those days meant seasickness , has taken on a broader meaning in English.

目的对系列抗晕船口服液进行安全性评价。Objective To conduct safety evaluation of serial anti- seasickness oral solutions for animal toxicology.

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目的观察晕船适应过程中铁代谢的变化规律及可能机制,研究铁剂干预对晕船适应的影响。Objective To study the changes and the mechanism of iron metabolism in the process of seasickness adaptation.

典型的晕船症状是口干、出冷汗、头昏眼花并且恶心,有时候还会呕吐。Typical indicators for seasickness are a dry mouth, cold sweat, dizziness and nausea, sometimes followed by vomiting.

目的调查相关因素对晕船适应及脱适应过程的影响。Objective To survey and analyze the relative factors influencing the habituation and off-habituation of the seasickness.

他们也有这种类型的恶心,我们要求晕船,而且讲法语作为滨海误的,或生病的海洋。They , too, got that type of nausea that we call seasickness and that the French speak of as mal de mer , or 'sickness of the sea.

如果你已经知道自己容易晕船或海浪很猛烈,你就应该在航程前准备好晕船药。If you already know you are susceptible to seasickness or the sea will be rough, you should take some medication before beginning the voyage.

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父亲也曾碰到过一次海难——不过那时他还没钱给教堂捐纪念品,在那次最后的航行中也只是有点晕船而已。My father was in one once, though he was not rich enough at the time to command a memorial in church and on this last voyage he suffered only common seasickness.

晕船是降低军事人员作战效能的重要原因,心理因素是其发生、发展的重要影响因素之一。Seasickness is a leading factor causing reduction in battle efficiency, and psychological factor is one of the important factors influencing the development and progression.

结论SSH技术是一种高效的筛选差异表达基因的方法,本实验结果为深入研究晕船易感性机制提供了重要的线索。Conclusion SSH is an effective method for screening differentially expressed genes, the results of this study are helpful in exploring the mechanism of seasickness susceptibility.