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那边黄花鱼。It's the yellow croaker.

是省级的大黄鱼自然保护区。Is the province's yellow croaker preserved area.

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虽然这些刮刮叫的动物是一处河口的居民,它的种类繁荣在加拿大的北部。Although this croaker is a bayou-dweller, its species thrives as far north as Canada.

虽然这些呱呱叫的动物是一处河口的居民,它的种类繁荣在加拿大的北部。Although this croaker is a bayou-dweller, its species thrives as far north as Canada.

日本黄姑鱼的生物学特性及苗种生产技术。Biological characteristics and technologies of seed production of Japanese croaker N.

上笼蒸熟,取出后在表面撒葱丝,浇些热油即成。Steam the croaker till done, remove and sprinkle with scallion shreds, pour on hot oil.

黄鱼,有大小黄鱼之分,又名黄花鱼。Yellow croaker, have large and small yellow croaker branch, also known as yellow croaker.

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大黄鱼是具有很高经济价值的海洋鱼类,产于我国南方。Large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea is a marine fish with high commercial value in southern China.

当时,这条野生大黄鱼体形很美观,色泽十分光鲜亮丽,鱼鳞金黄金黄的。At that time, the wild large yellow croaker body shape is very beautiful, color is very bright, golden fish.

那儿的食物基本上都是烧熟的,如美味的黄鱼汤,油炸虾串和碳烤鱿鱼等等。Food there is basically cooked, like a tasty yellow croaker soup, fried shrimps on a stick, grilled squid and so on.

小黄鱼的鱼鳞沉积速率大约在1900、1930、1960左右的时间段出现较高的时期。The small yellow croaker scale deposition record shows that three peaks approximately appeared in 1900, 1930 and 1960.

三门县六敖镇赤礁村渔民杨世桅捕到了一条3.5公斤重的野生大黄鱼。Three County six town of Ao red reef village fisherman Yang Shiwei caught a3.5 kg weight of wild large yellow croaker.

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当地渔业部门介绍,这是上世纪80年代以来,台州捕到的最大的大黄鱼。The local fishery department introduction, this is to go up century since 80 time, Taizhou catch the largest large yellow croaker.

九枪八声音柔媚,却掷地有声,她答应和傅思远做这笔买卖,但是账得细算,伤一个兄弟多少钱,死一个兄弟多少钱。Fu Siyuan is willing to take the money out of the housekeeper, plus a small yellow croaker and nine gun eight business -- please rescue Zhang Yucheng from bandits.

见到一些装载过重、行车缓慢的黄鱼车,值班人员立即帮其推车,加快车辆周转。See a few lade the yellow croaker car with overweight, slow drive a vehicle, be on duty personnel helps its go-cart instantly, accelerate car have enough to meet need.

表明中药复方可以用于大黄鱼体内寄生纤毛虫病的防治。This case has strongly indicated that the Chinese herbal formula can be used for large yellow croaker in the prevention and treatment of endoparasitic ciliate disease.

本文应用模糊数学方法分析了厦门海区大黄鱼生殖群体的渔获年龄组成,计算了1980—1984年厦门海区大黄鱼的低龄度。Fuzzy mathematic method was used to analyze the age composition of spawning stock of yellow croaker of-shore Xiamen. This paper calculated the degree of low-age in 1980-1984.

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此外,还有一些基本上在中国北部及日本水域出没的过境品种,诸如黄花鱼及瓜核鱼,这些鱼类随着较凉的季节性水流来港,令该段时间本港的海洋动物数量大增。Transient species such as the yellow croaker and melon seed, typically found off northern China and Japan, bolster the resident marine fauna when the monsoonal flow brings in cooler waters.

我今年38岁,14岁开始出海捕鱼,20多年来,都是以捕米鱼为主,以前一二公斤重的野生大黄鱼捕到过,但从来没有捕到过这么大的。I am 38 years old, 14 years old start fishing, for over 20 years, is mainly used to capture the rice fish, one or two kilograms of wild large yellow croaker catch, but never caught such a big.