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在这幅油画中有一种如纱般的,诡异的质感。There is a gauzy , ghostly quality to this painting.

淡紫色、暗淡的粉色以及蓝色渲染着似纱般的云。Lavenders, dusky pinks, and blues stained the gauzy clouds.

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但是,他风格上的无节制已经被历史的薄雾所遮蔽。But his stylistic excesses have been obscured by the gauzy haze of history.

草叶似乎在牛乳中被洗过相同,又像笼着轻纱的梦。Of grass seems to be being washed in milk, the same like a cage with a gauzy dream.

如果薄云未曾飘走,我可能永远不会知道那是什么声音。If it was't the gauzy cloud passing by, I could have never known the sound for good.

虽然很熟悉,但还是说不清那是什么、我抬起头看了看那薄薄的云层。Although familiarity, but still could not sure what it is, I look up the gauzy cloudy.

它们仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样,又像笼罩着轻纱的梦。They look as if they had just been bathed in milk or like a dream wrapped in a gauzy hood.

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遥望瀑布,笼罩在轻纱薄雾之中,幻景憧憧。Seen from afar, the cataract is shrouded in a gauzy mist, looking like a flickering mirage.

月亮图片集。薄云如纱给发光的满月在冰冷的冰山之上,围绕南极洲的海洋。Thin clouds give a gauzy glow to a full moon over the iceberg-choked ocean around Antarctica.

因而她没有注意到我站起身朝她走来。在她的头上、蓝色的高空中,一只云雀在那片彩云中飞翔。它也在歌唱,仿佛在与小女孩一比高下。Over her head, high up in the blue, a lark that was soaring towards the same gauzy cloud was singing, as if in rivalry.

肯尼迪先生说出了他最被人铭记的话语,用亚瑟王般亲民之志的浪漫包裹了他对民主党理念的执着。Mr. Kennedy delivered his most memorable words, wrapping his dedication to party principles in the gauzy cloak of Camelot.

她在内衣工厂里用修剪的精致的指甲捏起了一片薄纱的织物,这就是她脱离贫困农村的一张车票。Her long, tapered fingernails pinch apart pieces of gauzy fabric at the underwear factory that is her ticket out of rural poverty.

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第二天,我去了长城,看见这个中国最著名的文化瑰宝笼罩在污染造成的雾霾之中。The next day, when I went to see the Great Wall, China's most famous cultural treasure was wreathed in a gauzy shroud of pollution.

刚洗的夏装----轻薄的棉布和亚麻布衣衫---堆满了我的床铺,就像五颜六色的彩虹,等待着去阁楼冬眠。Freshly washed gauzy cottons and light linens are spread out on my bed, waiting in a rainbow row for transfer to their attic hibernation.

在该公司的网站上还保留着琳恩穿着婚纱的照片,在她的后面是一望无际的大海。On the company's website, Lynn is still the first radiant bride whose portrait appears in a gauzy veil, the brilliant blue sea behind her.

她们身着轻薄透明的外衣和各类饰带,喜欢在雨中舞蹈,一见到猫狗走失的寻找启事便会情不自禁,潸然泪下。She wears gauzy blouses and braids. She likes to dance in the rain and she weeps uncontrollably if she sees a sign for a missing dog or cat.

21岁的特蕾莎就已经显现出她对时尚的热爱——她还仔细挑选同色系的口红与耳环来搭配那一身靓丽红裙。Dressed in a gauzy red gown that she has matched carefully to her lipstick and earrings, the 21-year-old Theresa's love of fashion is already in evidence.

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在达沃斯的这一周,蔡美儿就像被媒体宠幸的国家领导或电影明星一样忙碌地穿梭于一个个聚光灯下的活动。In Davos this week, Ms. Chua shuttled busily from one klieg-lit event to another, as much in media demand as any penurious head of state or gauzy movie star.

其中有一张非常有名的照片,戴安娜王妃和两个幼儿园的孩子们,王妃穿着一件劳拉·阿申利品牌的薄纱裙子,在阳光下展示出性感的大腿轮廓。One of them featured a famous photograph of a gauzy Laura Ashley skirt barely concealing the sunshine-silhouetted thighs of a kindergarten aide named Diana Spencer.

姑娘们穿着细纱长裙,长裙的下摆从草丛中赶出来无数的飞虫和蝴蝶,它们被关在透明的裙摆之中飞不出来,就像关在笼中的小鸟一样。Their gauzy skirts had brushed up from the grass innumerable files and butterflies which, unable to escape, remained caged in the transparent tissue as in an aviary.