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首先,我来给kerfuffle下个定义。To start with I’ll define kerfuffle.

KFC总裁对事件公开道歉。KFC's president publicly apologized for the "kerfuffle".

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上周,肯扬所做的声明差点儿引得天下大乱。Consider the kerfuffle about last week's Peter Kenyon statements.

我可是在应付了这一天乱七八糟的混乱之后对这已经没有什么好脸色了。I didn't take too kindly to this after all the kerfuffle on the first day.

随后就引发一场小型外交动乱,因为美白乳是从越南非法进口的。A minor diplomatic kerfuffle ensued as it turned out the cream was being illegally imported from Vietnam.

没有理由认为现时的争拗会影响短期澳博的业务,其在澳门的品牌仍然非常强劲.There is no reason to think that the current kerfuffle will impact SJM's existing businesses over the near term.

kerfuffle经过历年的发展,产生了诸多不同的拼写形式,该词本身就有些混乱。If you look back at the different spellings of kerfuffle over the years it makes for a bit of a kerfuffle itself.

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在总统大选时,一度有争论指责布迪约诺的妻子是基督教徒,布迪约诺是尤多约诺总统的竞选伙伴。In the presidential election there was a kerfuffle over claims that the wife of Boediono, Mr Yudhoyono's running-mate, was a Christian.

相反,此次争论说明正确估计网络服务用户数量是多么困难,尤其是目前还没有任何实质性标准。Instead, this kerfuffle once again shows how hard it is to correctly estimate usage numbers on the web, especially in the absence of any real standards.

但是英国正在陷入一个更深奥概念的混乱,而且这也危及到了英国在该领域的执着辛苦得到的名声。But Britain is caught up in a kerfuffle about an even more esoteric idea, and that threatens its hard-earned reputation for hard- headedness about the field.

最近,戴尔与美国的商业促进署引发了一场论战,论战涉及到了苹果08年提出的一个商业卖点——“世界上最环保的便携计算机家族”。Dell raised a kerfuffle with the Better Business Bureau's advertising division over a claim in a 2008 Apple commercial touting "the world's greenest family of notebooks."

我第一次查这个词时,我不确定它的拼写形式是gerfuffle还是kerfuffle,结果发现正是这个单词的“非正式”性,让我混淆了它的拼写。When I first went to look it up I wasn’t sure if it was gerfuffle or kerfuffle and it turns out that this “informal” nature of the word was what led me to this confusion.