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您真的认识爱娥?But you did know Io?

我也是你的爱好者。Io so no anche per i fan.

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爱娥是一个河神的女儿。Io was the dauther of a river-god.

对于“吝啬”的用户来说,Drop.io是共享小文件的最佳选择。io is best-suited for smaller files.

于是,宙斯还给了他一个复活的艾奥。Zeus then gifts him with a resurrected Io.

我住在中国,北京,樱花东街甲2号。Io vivo in Cina, Pechino, Cherry Street, un 2

她知道因为爱娥,阿格斯才会被杀。She knew that because of Io Argus had been killed.

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木卫一主要是熔化的铁与硅酸盐岩石的核心。Io is largely molten silicate rock with an iron core.

希拉同意让宙斯将爱娥变回原来的样子。Hera agreed to let Zeus return Io to her original form.

当然,IO单子的方法有其自身的缺点。Of course, the monadic approach to IO has its disadvantages.

她知道她无法杀掉爱娥,否则宙斯会生她的气。She knew she couldn't kill Io or Zeus would be very mad at her.

木卫一上的亮斑是二氧化硫的结晶区。Bright patches visible on Io are regions of sulfur dioxide frost.

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木卫一和木卫二跟地球所见的月亮是相同的大小。The Jovian Io and Europa are about the same size as Earth's moon.

为了救出爱娥,宙斯派赫尔墨斯去杀掉阿古斯。In order to save Io from the monster, Zeus sent Hermes to kill him.

这仅是一个IO操作还是一个进程创建的一部分?Is it just an IO operation or is it a part of a process creation???

其他未格式化IO操作一次处理数据块。Other unformatted IO operations deal with chunks of data at a time.

为了躲避赫拉,宙斯把爱娥变成了一头漂亮的小白牛。Zeus then turned Io into a beautiful white little cow to avoid Hera.

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我甚至不需要,因为我不需要打印任何东西。stdio I don't even need standard IO because I'm not printing anything.

木卫一和木卫二跟地球所见的月亮是相同的大小。The Jovian moons Io and Europa are about the same size as Earth's moon.

他们相信在25至50年以后机器人将能够和人对话。They think that robots will be able to talk Io people in 25 to 50 years.