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然后他开始跟我谈判。Then be began to parley with me.

然后他开始跟我谈判。Then he began to parley with me.

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州长被迫与反叛者谈判。The governor was forced to parley with the rebels.

芭里太太说她仿佛是处在海洋的风暴里一样。Mrs Parley said she felt as if she was in a storm at sea.

特遣队指挥官金曼·多里亚纳向索龙请求和谈。The taskforce's commander, Kinman Doriana, asked Thrawn for a parley.

交战的家族之一想休战讲和并安排一次谈判。One of the warring families wanted to make peace and arrange a parley.

帕利太太用手机打电话给警察,半小时之后。Mrs Parley called the police on her mobile phone and half an hour later.

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上校立刻停止脚步,没有更多的询问和对话。Straightway the Captain paused, and, without further question or parley.

指挥官派他去与敌人谈判交换战俘事宜。The officer sent him to parley with the enemy for an exchange of prisoners.

敌军官举着白旗走过来要和我们司令谈判。The enemy officer came forward with a white flag to parley with our general.

帕利太太在忙着她的家务。突然,一场地震使整个城市都动摇了。Mrs Parley was busy with her housework. Suddenly an earthquake rocked the city.

然后他开始跟我谈判,说他很愿意答应我在合理范围之内的任何要求。Then he began to parley with me, said he would make me any reasonable satisfaction.

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阿娣的本名叫刘招娣,60年代出世在洗疆场的山芭里。The book called her, LiuZhaoDi, 60 s was born in the mountain of the JiangChang wash parley.

父亲随身携带了几卷彼得·帕尔利丛书,把它作为教材来教我。My father had brought with him some volumes of the Peter Parley series from which to teach me.

为了交换俘虏我们必须派一名可靠的军官去与他们的领导人谈判。We must send our most trusted officer to parley with their leaders for an exchange of prisoners.

你们必须派出最值得依赖的军官去和他们的领导谈判交换战俘问题。You must send your most trusted officer to parley with their leaders for an exchange of prisoners.

在前厅里谈了几句以后,有人上楼来了,接着她听见弗龙斯基的脚步声在客厅外面走过去。After a parley in the hall, someone came upstairs, and Vronsky's steps could be heard passing the drawing room.

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急于解决争端的他秘密派遣两位绝地特使前往纳布与内莫迪亚人谈判。Eager to resolve the dispute, he secretly dispatched a pair of Jedi ambassadors to Naboo to parley with the Neimoidians.

里德太太对我疯也似的痛苦嚎叫很不耐烦,无意再往下谈了,蓦地把我往后一推,锁上了门。Reed, impatient of my now frantic anguish and wild sobs, abruptly thrust me back and locked me in, without farther parley.

他向绝地委员会发出谈判邀请。巴尔克的老陪练梅斯·温杜很快抵达鲁尔。He extended an invitation to parley with the Jedi Council, and Mace Windu, Bulq's old sparring-partner, soon arrived on Ruul.