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机会注意策略似乎已经成为哈马斯组织的新的特色。Opportunism as strategy appears to be the group’s new hallmark.

巴洛特利在成为一名成功的球员后谈到了“机会主义”这个词。Balotelli talked of "opportunism" in the wake of his success as a footballer.

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在同一时间内,莫雷诺对蔓德尔机会主义的反对被粗略地表达出来。At the same time, Moreno's opposition to Mandel's opportunism was ex-pressed crudely.

军方的这一政治机会主义倾向至关重要,关乎能否在埃及推行“土耳其模式”。It is this kind of political opportunism that is fatal to a Turkish model on the Nile.

就是在陈独秀右倾机会主义时期,城市工作也有“左”的错误。Even when Chen Duxiu's Right opportunism was prevalent, "Left" mistakes were made in urban work.

机会主义就是牺牲根本的利益,贪图暂时的、局部的利益。Opportunism consists of sacrificing fundamental interests in order to gain temporary, partial benefits.

康纳斯坚持机会主义带来的疑惑只是让发球者心中更增一份恐惧而已。The doubt planted by Connors' insistent opportunism only made it that much more dreadful to serve to him.

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结论是,在政治垄断下的经济转轨将被国家机会主义所挟持。The conclusion is that economic transition will be captured by state opportunism under political monopoly.

公务人员和大学教师受着既担忧又欲一试的复杂心情的驱使赶快跳上乐队车。Civil servants and university teachers jumped on the band-wagon moved by a mixture of opportunism and fear.

唯心论和机械唯物论,机会主义和冒险主义,都是以。Idealism and mechanical materialism, opportunism and adventurism, are all characterized by the breach between the.

伴随这种思维转变而在一些德国精英人士中出现的令人难堪的投机和盲从,也同样令人悲哀。The embarrassing opportunism and conformism of some German elites that accompanies this mental shift saddens, too.

由于给中央政府发出的请求很少公之于众,一些人怀疑张先生是投机取巧。Because requests to the central government are seldom aired in public, some people suspect Mr Zhang of opportunism.

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二是个人主义盛行导致机会主义盛行和人们行为短期化。Second, the vogue of individualism causes the opportunism to be in vogue and the people's behavior to be short-termed.

这个机制利用大众的“机会主义心理”和“轻信与跟风”的特质为政府敛财,让少部分人发家。The system takes advantage of their opportunism and credulity to collect money for the government and to enrich the few.

找到办公室,告诉你为什么要他们选出的代表,被认为是自私自利的机会主义的形式把人民。Seeking office, telling people why you should be their elected representative, was regarded as a form of self-serving opportunism.

多部门的监管会导致政府部门的机会主义行为,这降低了政府检测效率。Multi-department management will result in the government opportunism behavior, which reduced the government inspection efficiency.

这种错误,在一九三五年一月党中央结束了“左”倾机会主义的统治以后,也就在基本上被克服了。This kind of mistake was generally overcome after the Central Committee ended the domination of "Left" opportunism in January 1935.

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灰色的大猫,眼里总是闪着机会主义的光芒,弓着腰在一旁等待机会出击。Big grey cat, the brilliant rays of opportunism always flash in the eyes, bending the waist waits for the chance to carry out aside.

会计政策选择具有效率性,但也为经理人员的机会主义行为打开了大门。The choice of accounting policy has the efficiency quality, but it also provides the possibility for opportunism behavior of handlers.

但只因法国足球史上最昂贵的球员在最后一分钟抓住了机会,一切希望烟消云散。But it was not, thanks to a piece of last-minute opportunism by the most expensively acquired player in the history of French football.