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这是一个统计学过程It's a statistical process.

你完全是统计上的异数!You are a statistical anomaly!

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尤其是统计力学。Especially of statistical mechanics.

并开始统计力学。And also start statistical mechanics.

椭圆表示统计节点。Ellipses represent statistical nodes.

开始讲授统计力学。We'll start in on statistical mechanics.

阿萨姆邦的一个统计帐户-湿重欣特。Statistical Account of Assam – WW Hinter.

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经济计量学者要分析统计材料。The econometrician analyzes statistical data.

在热力学或者统计力学中。In statistical mechanics and in thermodynamics.

欢迎来到房山统计信息网!Welcome to Fangshan Statistical Information Net!

接着就是统计力学和分子运动学。It'll be statistical mechanics and then kinetics.

群策实际上只是一个统计学游戏。Crowd wisdom is actually a statistical phenomenon.

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频率分布是统计性计数。The frequency distribution is a statistical count.

这就是统计力学的要做的。And that's what statistical mechanics is all about.

能知道统计和数值中出现的错误。Identify misuses of statistical and numerical data.

统计员用图表来表示统计结果。The statistician diagrammed the statistical results.

为了表示得更清楚,可以把数目填在统计表中。We can use the statistical table to make it clearer.

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他基于统计检验得出了这个结论He concluded this on the basis of a statistical test.

这就是统计力学最简单的例子。And that'll be it for this simple statistical mechanics.

詹姆斯似乎完美地符合这一统计模式。Mr. James seems to fit the statistical model perfectly.