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然而独独没有包括母乳。But not breast milk.

自画眉鸟的胸膛。In a thrush's breast.

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恻隐之心在她胸中起伏。Pity heaved her breast.

胸要大——胸大无脑好泡。Breast should be enough big.

打算丰胸了?Considering breast implants?

这个婴儿喝母奶。The baby drinks breast milk.

马克捶胸顿足,痛不欲生。Mark beat his breast in agony.

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好像婴儿安卧慈母怀。As a baby in his mother breast.

我最擅长的就是蛙泳。I am good at the breast stroke.

我恨死自己了。Self-hate swelled in my breast.

乙﹕找到他二奶家去。B﹕Go find his second breast home.

名不乳儿乳佣。Name not breast young commission.

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鸟儿胸前带着棘刺,遵循着一个不可改变的法则。A bird with a thorn in its breast.

图示隆胸术所用硅酮。Here is a silicone breast implant.

躺平抱膝,推往胸部。Pull the knees towards the breast.

剑刺穿了她的胸部。The sword bore through her breast.

你可教我蛙泳吗?Could you teach me the breast stoke?

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她发现左乳有个硬肿块。She found a lump in her left breast.

乳腺是属于第二性征器官。The breast is a secondary sex organ.

我家的护壁是绿色的。The breast wall of my home is green.