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外转矩是由系统外部生产的。External torques arise from outside the system.

作用力之和为,力矩之和为。Sum of all forces is zero, 0 sum of all torques is zero.

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现在我们需要的是,所有力矩之和等于。But now we need that 0 the sum of all torques have to be zero.

误差力矩包括质量不平衡,柔性,偏置力短,等等。The error torques include mass unbalances, compliances, bias torque, etc.

力矩之和为,如果是这样,所有力之和为。Sum of all torques is zero, 0 if it's like this, sum of all forces is zero.

紧凑和高效的设计产量高扭矩,即使在低压力。The compact and efficient design yields high torques even at low pressures.

手排变速箱设计由驾驶人变换档位,提供大小不同的扭力。In manual designs, the driver shifts the gears to deliver different torques.

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内外扭转力之间相互平衡使得纱线保持平衡。The internal and external torques balance each other and the yarn will be balanced.

同时,多目标规划法也降低了关节驱动力矩和系统位置误差的平均值。The multi-object planning method can reduce driving torques and system errors at the same time.

在某些条件下,水动力扭矩可能达到或超过阀座和非阀座扭矩。Under certain conditions, hydrodynamic torque can meet or exceed seating and unseating torques.

在绝大多数的厂商指定的火花塞的扭矩范围为14至20英尺磅。The vast majority of manufacturers specify spark plug torques in the range of 14 to 20 ft. -lbs.

摆块机构是根据两极限位置的传递力矩之和最大进行优化的。The slider mechanism is optimized on maximum sum of transmitted torques at the two limiting positions.

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在这种情况下,对计算力矩所环绕的轴的最佳选择是梯子的底部。In this case , the best choice for the axis around which to calculate torques is the base of the ladder.

其次探讨当此转轴静止时抵抗外加扭矩之机制。The research then focuses on the mechanism which a pivot can resist external torques at arbitrary position.

减速机通过弹性联合器实现与机座的弹性连接,传递扭矩。A speed reducer is elastically connected with an engine base through an elastic combiner to deliver torques.

需要的其他条件是,在任何作用点的,力矩之和也为。But what is also required, that the sum of all torques relative to 0 any point that you choose is also zero.

前四讲中,我们讨论过角动量,力矩滚动物体及旋转。During the past four lectures, we have dealt with angular momentum, torques and rolling objects and rotations.

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在压力和切力的作用下,给料在彼此相向旋转的轧辊间破碎。Size reduction is attained by shearing stress and pressure , which are generated by high torques at the crushing roll.

已知质点系的转动运动,求系统所受的外力或外力矩。Knowing the state of the rotational motion of a system, determine the external forces or external torques acting on the system.

锁紧螺母扭矩压紧垫片时,其与垫片的最大相互作用力不能超过表3所给扭矩值。The locknut torque needed to move the washer at the maximum washer interference fit shall not exceed the torques given in Table 3.