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赤裸裸的猥亵细节再度充斥了报纸的版面。The newspapers once again filled their columns with salacious details.

这种雄性长鼻猴长着一个下垂的、看上去有些色迷迷的大鼻子。The male proboscis monkey has a pendulous vaguely salacious Jimmy Durante nose.

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这种雄性长鼻猴长着一个下垂的、看上去有些色迷迷的大鼻子。The male proboscis monkey has a pendulous, vaguely salacious Jimmy Durante nose.

相信天下男人都好色,都背着自己的老婆和外面女人多多少少有一手,但是自己老公除外。Believe that all men are salacious , all having affairs out of home, except for her husband.

C-3PO成为了贾巴的财产后,萨拉舍斯无情地与这个金色礼仪机器人作对。When C-3PO became Jabba's property, Salacious antagonized the golden protocol droid mercilessly.

但委员会可能必须通过揭露一些丑恶的行径来为将来的改革定调。Yet the commission seems bound to uncover some salacious wrongdoings that will shape future reforms.

报纸假装不赞同这一丑闻,但此同时又垂涎于每一个诲淫的细节。The papers pretend to disapprove of this scandal , while at the same time slavering over every salacious detail.

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有些人它代表着东方式的欲望,对另外一些人来说,它是一个淫秽作品的写作的神圣化,只是它的古物。To some it stands for the Erotic East, to others it is a salacious piece of writing, sanctified merely by its antiquity.

中国的电视节目制作者在迎合大众娱乐口味上并不比西方制作人差。China’s television programmers are not far behind their Western counterparts in tapping demand for salacious entertainment.

萨拉舍斯·B·克拉姆是一个精细复杂的木偶,由蒂姆·罗斯控制,他同时也是阿克巴上将的木偶操控者。Salacious B. Crumb was an intricately detailed puppet controlled by Tim Rose, the same puppeteer who worked Admiral Ackbar.

电影开始时,一个人对一个良家妇女出言不逊,那个英雄马基德上前殴打这个人,结果被投入监狱。At the start of the film, the hero, Majid, is imprisoned for attacking a man who makes salacious comments to a virtuous young woman.

他严厉批评了一份未经证实的报告的公开——该报告称俄罗斯掌握了有关他的行为和财务状况的涉黄信息。He harshly criticized the publication of unverified reports that claimed Russia has salacious information about his behavior and finances.

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在工作场所闲聊或边喝咖啡边聊天常被视为有害的习惯,因为它会传播下流的谣言,损害人们的名誉。Idle chatter in the workplace or over a coffee is often viewed as a damaging habit which spreads salacious rumours and harms people's reputations.

如果你什么谈论都参与,并最先传播谣言尤其是绯闻,那你不会有高层的朋友。If nothing gets past you, and you're the first one to share rumors, especially the most salacious news, you're not winning friends in high places.

上个月辞职的马克·福利,最近被暴出一名共和党人国会议员指责寄给淫秽电子邮件给年轻的会议招待员。The resignation last month of Mark Foley, a Republican congressman accused of sending salacious emails to young congressional pages, is merely the latest blow.

谈及杰克逊的财务状况,法官帕斯特说他不想让庭审变成“会计师的战争”或是“对个人财务问题极尽低俗的分析”。Speaking of Mr. Jackson's finances, Judge Pastor said he was unwilling to let the trial become a 'battle of accountants' or 'a salacious analysis of personal financial issues.'

这当然没有八卦你的周末艳遇或者你邻居的怪癖那么好玩,但好处是你绝不用担心你谈论的东西会背叛你。Sure, it’s not as exciting as gushing about your salacious weekend or your neighbor’s annoying habit, but you’ll never have to worry about that information being used against you.

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而有些大学生只有17岁他们可能给一些还在读高中的朋友发送猥琐信息,他们有可能会大吃一惊——不仅仅是来自那些信息。Since some of these college students are 17, and with friends in high school to whom a salacious message might be sent, they could be in for a rude shock—and not just from the text.

但泄秘的中宣部内参显示了他不法行为的更猥琐的一面“所有媒体均不得报道和炒作关于李直军有18个情妇的新闻。”But a leaked directive from the Central Propaganda Bureau revealed a more salacious side to his misconduct "All media are not to report or hype the news that Liu Zhijun had 18 mistresses."