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汪晖说鲁迅实际上是一位人文主义者。Lu Xun, said Mr. Wang, was actually a humanist.

所以,哈姆莱特的悲剧是时代的悲剧,是人文主义者的悲剧。So, Hamlet's tragedy is the time tragedy and humanist tragedy.

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广义政治观实质上就是以人为本的政治观。The general political theory is humanist political theory virtually.

你们可能会想问,这些研究课题,是如何保证与人文精神相一致的You might worry about how this, well, this meshes with humanist values.

西方的“自由”理念能与儒道文明的人类自律思想实现结合吗?Can Western freedoms be married with Confucian and Daoist humanist disciplines?

与其说爱翁呆得可爱,不如说他是一位伟大的人道主义者。It is better to say Einstein is a great humanist rather than he is silly lovely.

这就是所谓“达情”的人文主义哲学。This is the humanist philosophy known as tach'ing, or " fulfillment of instincts".

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人文学者型的智力景观在整个近代早期时期。Humanist scholars shaped the intellectual landscape throughout the early modern period.

孔子继承并发展了传统的人文主义思想。Confucius and Confucian School inherited and developed the traditional humanist thought.

但是在人文主义中心的理性讨论要使他们自在得多。But they're all much more comfortable having rational discussions at the Humanist center.

泰戈尔从西方吸收了关于人的思想,并形成了一套泛爱的主张。Tagore absorbs Humanist Thoughts from the West, and forms a series of views of philanthropy.

此外,作为一个伟大的人道主义者,陀氏的宗教意识中还存在着深深的困惑。Furthermore being a great humanist dostoevsky described the religion-confusion in his novels.

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所以,我们只需要迎合我们的动物本能。不必了,谢谢你。正如我说的那样,我是一个人道主义者。So we should just cater to our most animal instincts. No thank you. As I said, I'm a humanist.

这位人类学家的人道主义立场与联合国教科文组织的宗旨找到了新的共鸣。The humanist stance of the anthropologist and the mission of UNESCO have found a new resonance.

加强人文主义教育对改变社会不良风气具有重要意义。It is of great significance to strengthen humanist education in order to change the bad social mood.

小说对“连接”自我解构的叙述体现了作者作为一个人文主义者的理想与困境。The self-deconstructive narration of the novel reflects Forster s ideal and predicament as a humanist.

另一种选择,你可以选择接受科学的世界观,抛弃那些人文观念Alternatively, you might choose to embrace the scientific worldview and reject all these humanist values.

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当然,弥尔顿用这种风格来写,就会面临一种窘境,他是一位人文主义学者。Now, in writing in these genres, Milton is, of course, confronted with a dilemma. He's a humanist scholar.

人文精神是图书馆文化的核心和灵魂,是图书馆文化建设的源动力。Humanist spirit is the core and soul of library culture and is the source power of library culture construction.

第一章主要介绍舍勒的位格理论,这是舍勒人学思想的重要构成部分。In the first chapter , we talk about his "PERSON THEORY" , and it is the important section of Scheler'S humanist.