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她似乎又在生气。She looked vexed again.

他因失败而糟心。He was vexed at his failure.

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我们常常受臭虫骚扰。We were often vexed by bedbugs.

他的行为使她大为恼火。His conduct vexed her very much.

为什么总是会有烦恼的事铪?Why can you always have vexed thing hafnium?

我都忘啦,他是怪我今天下午发脾气吗?Was he vexed at my bad humour this afternoon?

达西先生的行为叫她惊奇,也叫她烦恼。Mr. Darcy's behaviour astonished and vexed her.

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他勃然大怒,猝然离开餐厅。He was vexed and flounced out of the dining room.

他们觉得烦恼,是因为渡船使然。They feel vexed , for the ferryboat made them cross.

我愤怒,心碎,不知道如何撑过去。I was vexed and sorrowful and had no idea how to retrieve.

我都忘啦,他是怪我今天下午发脾气吗?I've forgotten. Was he vexed at my bad humour this afternoon?

人为什么有那么多烦恼事啊?怎样才能快乐呢?Factitious what has so much vexed thing? How is ability happy?

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那么是先有是鸡,还是蛋白呢?But the chicken-egg debate is still a vexed question to answer.

活泼开朗长舌妇,唠叨得烦人。The alacrity bright loquacious woman, loquacious get vexed person.

我们为了信条中有太多不一致和动摇的地方而感到苦恼。We are vexed by too much inconsistency and vacillation in our creed.

人为什么会那么烦恼呢?到底是哪根神经控制情绪的啊?Factitious what is so vexed? Of mood of which nerve control be after all?

赫拉对宙斯沾花惹草的行为十分恼火,常常千方百计地设下圈套羞辱他。Vexed by his infidelities, she often humiliated him by her scheming ways.

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我不会再烦你,我会永远把你放在心灵最深处。I can't again vexed you, I will put you forever in the deep place in mind.

同时他又感到事不凑巧,心里好不难过,因为他的靴子上有尘土。At the same time,he was horribly vexed because there was dust on his boots.

他之所以自戕,是因为他在形而上学的层面上被激怒了。This suicide kills himself because, on the metaphysical plane, he is vexed.