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生命是非常美好的,如果生活中充满了从容与自信的话。Life is happier if it is full of easiness and assuredness.

这种药的副作用之一就是容易上瘾。One of the side effects of this drug is the easiness of habit-forming.

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你会对该软件舒适且简单的用户界面留下深刻的印象。You will be impressed by the easiness and simplicity of user's interface.

用白话说,便是世界上的事有没有难和易的分别,如照此应译为。Is there a difference between difficulty and easiness in things of the world?

交谈中,幽默重于智慧,轻松重于学问。In conversation, humor is worth more than wit and easiness more than knowledge.

那个清晨,蓝蓝的天穹平静,从容的述说着曾经……Eternality-in that cool morning, the blue sky was telling stories in memory with easiness.

在这种简单的工作环境中,准确和高质量的数据信息是必要的。In this environment easiness use, accurate and high quality data information is necessary.

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至于第二次,杨先生坦言自己吸取了不少之前的经验,学了不少东西。I improved a lot in the second time, from the control of time to my easiness before the camera.

当遇到困难时要慢下来,不困难的部分也要慢下来。他们的容易是会骗人的。Slow down for the hard parts. Slow down for the easy parts too. Their easiness can be deceptive.

让轻松与休闲伴您旅途中的美好回忆。Hence, it shall definitely become a piece of nice memory of easiness and leisure during your travel.

渐渐地褪去了火气,进入一种平和的境界,在四十岁之后用淡定和从容的心态开始新的人生。Temper gradually fades to be peaceful. I started a new life with easiness and calmness after 40 years old.

易于在硬件中实现的、高效的调度算法成为一项关键技术。The research of scheduling algorithm with high efficiency and easiness to be implemented is very important.

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他是个性情和善的人,就在病榻和死人面前也难改变他那逍遥自在的态度。He was a good-tempered man, who found it difficult to keep down his jovial easiness even by the bed of sickness of death.

结果31例胸腺瘤患者顺利渡过了手术前后容易出现的危象。Results The 31 cases thymoma sufferer kilter to the ferry finish in the operation front and after easiness appear of crisis.

该系统具有设计清晰、模块性强等特点,有着良好的可扩展性和伸缩性。The system has many characteristics, such as clearness in design, stoutness in modularity, easiness in expansibility and so on.

此类温病具有起病较急,热象显著,易伤阴津,传变较快,易内陷生变的特点。They are characterized by acute onset, obvious fever, deficiency of Yin, fast progress and easiness to invagination and change.

该方法简单易行,可应用于摄影测量、计算机视觉等领域。Because of its easiness and simplicity , this method can be used in some domains such as photogrammetry , computer vision , etc.

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方法对31例胸腺瘤患者容易出现的问题及时采取对策,预防并发症。Methods The reply 31 cases thymoma sufferer easiness appear of matter betimes adopt countermeasure, side-be-side in the prevent.

该系统具有设计清晰、模块性强等特点,有着良好的可扩展性和伸缩性。The system has many characteristics, such as clearness in designation, effect in modularity, easiness in expansibility and so on.

CRCP加HMA加铺层路面结构以其良好的整体性、耐久性和行车舒适性,在道路铺装中得到了广泛的应用。Because of the well integrity, durability and easiness provided by CRCP with HMA overlay, it was widely used in Pavement Engineering.