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简发给我四张牌。Jane dealt me four cards.

在这里对头进行处理。Headers are dealt with here.

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你是如何处理这个情况的?How have you dealt with this?

然而,它却能够被处理。However, it can be dealt with.

我以前跟麦克内尔打过交道。I've dealt with Mcneil before.

他们把他从轻发落。They dealt with him leniently.

我们对付的是杨氏模量。We dealt with Young's modulus.

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我们是怎样处理课程的?What we dealt with this course?

如果有,你是怎么处理它们的?If so, how have you dealt with it?

这笔奖金必须公平分配。The bonus must be dealt out fairly.

该发言人只是泛泛而谈。The spokesman dealt in generalities.

我就是遇到了点问题,不过我处理了。I just had some issues. I dealt with it.

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一个法官按时间次序处理案件。A judger dealt with cases in time sequence.

他是你指导的出拳最狠的拳手吗?Is he the hardest puncher you've dealt with?

所有的局部变量将在之后处理。All the local variables can be dealt with later.

所有以大欺小的情况都将受到严肃处理。All cases of bullying will be severely dealt with.

凡是反对过我们的人现在都受到了惩罚。All those who opposed us have now been dealt with.

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赌台管理员给每位玩家正面朝下发了一张牌。The croupier dealt each player a card , face down.

其他案例正在查处。The other cases are being examined and dealt with.

据悉正被处理成由舰载系统发射的防御导弹系统。These will now be dealt with by sea-borne systems.