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幸福是一种平和,柔顺和无忧无虑的状态。It is peace and gentleness and lightheartedness.

然而,约翰这种轻松愉悦的心情没有持续很久。John's lightheartedness , however, did not last long.

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先前那种轻松的心情全部消失了。The lightheartedness of a former time had completely faded.

哦,只要稍为愉快一点,我就是天底下最幸福的人了。A little more lightheartedness would render me the happiest being under the sun.

这种过度的轻松并不能隐藏男人对女人的轻视。This apparent lightheartedness does not conceal the real contempt that men feel for women.

可这表面现象却无法掩饰许多男人对女性所抱的鄙视态度。This apparent lightheartedness does not conceal the real contempt that many men feel for women.

在扎拉哲斯特拉的欢笑及跳舞,所表达的这种神秘的丰沛及轻盈,将会被重新吸收。The divine exuberance and lightheartedness expressed in Zarathustra's laughter and dancing would be reabsorbed.

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在严肃紧张充满勾心斗角的剧情氛围中,东权的出现为大家带来了轻松可爱的气息!In the serious and tense atmosphere of power struggle, the appearance of Dong Kwon brings a breath of lightheartedness and sweetness!

他提倡不经意的严谨或是出于郑重的轻松——像比赛中的运动员或是演出中的艺术家。What he proposed was lighthearted seriousness or serious lightheartedness -- like that of a sportsman in a game or an actor in a play.

建筑的形状有着动感的线条,突出的外墙和彩色的窗户,这些都象征着活力,能量和青年学生的热心。The buildings shape with its dynamic lines, overhanging façades and the coloured windows symbolize the dynamic, energy and lightheartedness of the youth pupils.

从表面上看,这些男人对女性能力的评论似乎只是一种戏言,可这表面现象却无法掩饰许多男人对女性所抱的鄙视态度。On the surface, the comments made by these men about women's abilities seem light-hearted. This apparent lightheartedness does not conceal the real contempt that many men feel for women.

良好的情绪,轻松的心态及虔诚的宗教信仰是大自然赋予我们的三个最强大的法宝,用来帮助我们完成自我修复,人类历史上从来不乏这样的详细记录。It was meticulously recorded throughout the history of mankind that good humour, lightheartedness and religious beliefs are the most powerful self-healing instruments given to us by the Mother Nature.