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他点了一份奶酪煎蛋饼。He ordered a cheese omelette.

我给你做个煎蛋卷吧?Shall I make you an omelette?

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你知道怎么做煎蛋卷吗?Do you know how to make an omelette?

哈里早餐喜欢吃一个煎蛋卷。Harry likes an omelette for breakfast.

你不想把煎蛋卷吃完吗?Wouldn't you like to finish up the omelette?

现在这颗蛋可以做一个巨大的煎蛋卷。Now that egg would make an enormous omelette.

我要蘑菇鸡蛋卷和元葱汤。I'll have the mushroom omelette and onion soup.

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我们的煎蛋卷和青菜一起端上。A. Our omelette is served with a green vegetable.

不打蛋做不成蛋饼。You cannt make an omelette without breaking eggs.

我要一份番茄莴苣沙拉,番茄煎蛋卷。I have a tomato and a lettuce salad, a tomato omelette.

在煎蛋时或可以洒些胡椒粉,细盐。Omelette or you can sprinkle in some pepper, fine salt.

这就是大家所熟悉的,蛋卷可以与任何食物配餐来吃。And everyone knows that an omelette can be eaten at any meal.

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有一道汤,一道蛋卷或别的什么菜,还有咖啡和淡酒。There was soup, an omelette or something, coffee and light wine.

我们喜欢的另一样东西就是将它放在蛋里面做成白色蛋卷。Another thing we like to do is mix it into an egg white omelette.

当然啦,除非它足够聪明,知道自己正在煎鸡蛋。Unless, of course, it was clever enough to know that it was making an omelette.

做得好,布里奇,四个小时的精心烹饪,成功的做出了蓝汤,煎蛋,和果酱。Well done Bridge Four hours of careful cooking and feast of blue soup , omelette and marmalade.

蛋白蛋卷或超蛋白配扒蘑菇,番茄,芦笋及全麦吐司。Egg-white omelette or scrambled eggs with mushrooms, grilled tomato , asparagus on whole Wheat toast.

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他又一次给服务台打电话,要他们送一份香草奄列以及那瓶没有喝完的威士忌酒。He rang down again to Reception, told them to bring an omelette fines herbes and the rest of the whisky bottle.

母鸡无法预测鸡蛋的命运,能否孵化,还是成煎蛋饼,没人知道,将来会怎样。The chicken's clueless about the egg's fate. Will it hatch or become an omelette. No one knows what the future holds. So let your lips roll.

我的饵料跟早餐的煎蛋卷差不多大,泛着金绿色,我觉得它看上去堪称美味,因此专程从香港带了过来。My fly was about the size of my breakfast omelette. Green and gold, I thought it looked appetizing, which was why I brought it with me from Hong Kong.