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温赖特的一个手指关节在下巴上搓来搓去。Wainwright rubbed a knuckle along the surface of his chin.

他按了按温赖特放下的马尼拉纸文件袋。He touched the manila folder which wainwright had put down.

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温赖特会不会在银行内部寻衅报复呢?Would wainwright find some way to retaliate within the bank ?

温赖特先生看我微抿的样子,似乎猜出了我的心思。Mr. Wainwright watched me taste it and seemed to guess my feelings.

诺兰·温赖特从一扇窗子后边看她走到对街的一个公共汽车站。Nolan Wainwright , watching from a window, saw her walk to a bus-stop across the street.

无论是线上还是线下的零售商都面临着利润的压力。Online or off, retailers will always face the pressure to generate profit, Wainwright notes.

Wainwright博士是这一研究的领导者,同时他也是Feinberg医学院新药开发和化学生物学中心的研究人员。Wainwright is also a researcher in the Center for Drug Discovery and Chemical Biology at Feinberg.

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诺兰温赖特声称,他看不出贷款申请同一张违章传票有什么联系。Nolan wainwright said he could see no relationship between a loan application and a traffic summons.

温赖特明白,如果事发之后几天才把联邦调查局请来侦查一桩已无迹可寻的案子,对方肯定会勃然大怒。Wainwright knew the FBI would be angry if called in several days after the event to investigate a cold trail.

一年过去了,温赖特坚持练拳击,规规矩矩地上学尽量不去惹事生非。A year went by during which wainwright continued boxing, stayed in school, and managed to keep out of trouble.

一年之中,温赖特坚持练拳击,规规矩矩地上学尽量不去惹事生非。A year went by during which Wainwright continued boxing , stayed in school, and managed to keep out of trouble.

亚历克斯·范德沃特和诺兰·温赖特两人都接过耳机,以便监听来电询问者和承询员之间的对话。Both Alex Vandervoort and Nolan Wainwright had accepted headsets so they could listen to exchanges between callers operators.

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只选择一个额外的项目,以适应商业休闲衣柜包括卢克1977年海明威或温赖特狮子围巾。Options for just one extra item to fit into a business casual wardrobe include the Luke 1977 Hemmingway or Wainwright Lion scarves.

担保建设是改进和完善形式的温赖特发现,它的变形成为一个精神的设计。The Guaranty Building is a refinement and perfection of the form which the Wainwright found, and it's transfiguration into a spirit of design.

Wainwright及其同事比较了209名大脑损伤的儿童与相同数量的健康儿童的APOE基因情况。Wainwright and his laboratory group compared APOE genotypes in 209 children with cerebral palsy and a matched control group of children in good health.

危险过去,屋内冷若寒冰,温赖特夫妇手挽着手站在泥潭般的屋子中央,笑着相互怜悯。In the midst of these puddles , the danger over and the room growing frigid, stood Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright with their arms around each other, laughing and commiserating.

而欧洲刑警组织负责人罗伯·温赖特表示将接触欧洲足球的管理机构欧足联,他形容这对于欧洲足球是悲伤的一天。And Europol director Rob Wainwright said they will be in touch with the president of the European football's governing body UEFA and described it as a sad day for European football.

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欧洲刑警组织负责人温赖特说,他们将联系欧洲足球官方机构欧洲足联的主席,并称这是欧洲足球最悲伤的一天。And Europol director Rob Wainwright said they will be in touch with the president of the European football's governing body UEFA and described it as a sad day for European football.

我们有理由相信巨石阵的建造为了是某种让身体康复的信念,“杰夫里教授在伦敦考古协会对采访的记者说。"We found several reasons to believe that the stones were built as part of a belief in a healing process, " Wainwright told journalists assembled at London's Society of Antiquaries.

圣诞节前温赖特太太问我下星期天能否去她家吃晚饭,她说是一个小小的答谢和辞别宴会。Shortly before Christmas, Mrs. Wainwright asked me if I could come to have supper the next Sunday. She said it would be a little thank-you party and a farewell party, now that they were going away.