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飞到我的网里来。Come into my net.

我在这上网冲浪。I'm surfing the net.

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你触网了。You touched the net.

一只发网网住头发。A hair net nets hair.

闲暇是别忘上网冲浪。Surf the net leisure.

什么是我的净资产?What is my net worth?

一名特工答道,“阿尔梅达掉线了。”Almeida is off the net.

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他的净值下降。His net worth declines.

网络中立或不?Net neutrality, or not?

钠离子是带正电的。Sodium is net positive.

我覆盖网你我。I cover you with my net.

手机喇叭网。Net cell phone speakers.

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有的网友大加追捧。Some net pals pursue it.

但Comcast.net安装了55个。 installed 55.

评估你的安全网。Evaluate your safety net.

他过去常常进网吧。He used to go to net bar.

撒网捕风,徒劳无益。Catch the wind with a net.

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他被一张很大的网给困住了。He is caught in a big net.

他的净资产是2元。His net asset is 2 dollar.

他再一次收网。Once more he drew his net.