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有能处人创伤的救护。Demonstrate ability to direct geriatric trauma resuscitations.

从而为康复老年病提供有利的条件。Geriatric rehabilitation so as to provide favorable conditions.

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斯蒂文斯解释道,两只母的长臂猿分别41岁和43岁,都属老龄了。The females are "geriatric" now at ages 41 and 43, Stevens says.

目的探讨老年社区护理的可行之道。Objective To explore the feasibility of community geriatric nursing.

目的探讨老年人肺念珠菌病胸部X线表现。To discuss the chest X-ray representations of geriatric lung candidiasis.

研究在美国老年精神状况杂志上发表。The research was published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

中华医学会消化内镜学分会老年消化内镜协作组。Geriatric Group, Association of Digestive Endoscopy, Chinese Society of Medicine.

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本文对1802例民、汉族住院老年干部的老年病及其它疾病构成比进行了分析。This article analysis 1802 geriatric cases in our hospital in our different nationalities.

结论老年患者睾丸及附睾肿物中附睾结核常见。Conclusion Tuberculosis of epididymis is common in geriatric testis and epididymis neoplasms.

广岛附近的尾道监狱整一层楼都已经被改造成一个老年病房实验点。An entire floor has been converted into a pilot geriatric ward at Onomichi Prison, near Hiroshima.

老年疾病常是变老的自然过程引起的。Geriatric diseases, or diseases of old people, often result from the natural process of growing older.

结论米氮平是一种安全有效的新一代抗抑郁药,适于老年抑郁症患者。Conclusion Mirtazapine is an effective and safe antidepressant in the treatment of geriatric depression.

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方法在全面身体检查同时,以老年抑郁量表和一般生活资料调查表对1020例老年男性进行调查。Method A total of 1020 male elderly were investigated with questionaire of the Geriatric Depression Scale.

老年骨折患者在治疗方面存在大量的问题,包括防止瞻望。Geriatric patients with fractures present a number of management issues, including the prevention of delirium.

雅各布。吉丁教授,以色列开普兰医疗中心老年医学教育研究所。Prof. Jacob Gindin, Head, Geriatric Institute for Education and Research, Kaplan Medical Center POB 1, Isreal.

应用该量表对老年抑郁病人进行评定是否准确可靠值得商榷。The problem of suitability of HRSD for application to rate the depression of geriatric patients was discussed.

年龄大于等于65岁患者的药物的安全和有效性还未建立。The safety and effectiveness of clofarabine have not been established in geriatric patients 65 years and older.

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但想要真正恢复,他们还需要“更长时间,”他说,老年精神病学家还比较“缺乏”。But to truly get well, they'll need “much longer,’’ he said, and there's “a paucity’’ of geriatric psychiatrists.

但想要真正恢复,他们还需要“更长时间,”他说,老年精神病学家还比较“缺乏”。But to truly get well, they’ll need “much longer, ’’ he said, and there’s “a paucity’’ of geriatric psychiatrists.

包括弗吉尼亚、宾夕法尼亚、路易斯安那、北卡罗莱纳和俄亥俄在内的许多州都有老年人狱房或病房。Several states, including Virginia, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, North Carolina and Ohio, have geriatric prisons or wards.