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同学们十分雀跃地享受合球。The students enjoy very good time with Korfball.

由俱乐部来推展合球特别是在小学里推展。The clubs promote korfball especially on the elementary schools.

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会长杯合球邀请赛已完满结束!!The President Cup Korfball Invitation Tournament has come to a close!

月一直到次年的五月。你可能知道,在很多国家,合球仅在学校推展。As you may know, in many countries Korfball is only played in schools.

在荷兰我们有室内及室外的合球联赛。In the Netherlands we play korfball in an outdoor and an indoor competition.

荷球的表面不应过于光滑,以保持球员的手感,如利用荷球的纹理保持球体的质感。Forexample, to keep the texture of the sphere by means of the stripes of the korfball.

这次世锦赛的申办成功,是国际合球联合会对中国的重视以及中国合球运动快速发展的结果。This successful bidding was a result of high regard of the International Korfball Federation and our government.

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本文透过文献整理,将合球运动的历史起源与发展作一系统的统整与分析。This article with materials arranging makes the historical origin and development of the korfball into the systematical integration and analysis.

合球运动的最大特点是男女同场竞技,是现阶段世界上唯一一项男女同场竞技的项目。Korfball is the biggest characteristic of men and women play together, is the only one at this stage in the world of men and women compete against projects.

结合合球运动的开展现状,分析高校开展合球运动促进高校体育教学内容的改革,为高校开展和发展合球运动提出积极措施。The article Makes an inquiry into the present situation of Korfball, and elaborates that the development of korfball in colleges promotes the reform of athletics content.

然而在荷兰,我们是俱乐部系统,透过一年办理多次的比赛,由俱乐部将合球推展至学校,特别是推展至小学。In the Netherlands however, we have a club system that on its turn brings korfball into the schools, especially elementary school, by organizing tournaments several times a year.