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他是个很棒的辩论人才。He's a great debater.

他未能驳倒对方的辩论者。He was unable to confute the debater.

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这个辩论者提出另一个论点进行反驳。The debater countered with another argument.

辩论者必须是文化交流大使选拔赛决赛选手。A debater must be a competitor in IEC finals.

举例来说,一个大学一年级的学生想当一名辩论家。For example, a freshman wanted to be a debater.

辩论者拒绝向她的对手放弃其主张。The debater refused to cede the point to her opponent.

卡娅是一位杰出的即席演讲者和辩手。Kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater.

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反方辩手1号称述观点,你准备好了吗?开始时间。Debater number 1of negative side, are you ready? Time begins.

反方2号辩手,你准备好了吗?开始时间。Debater number 2 of negative side, are you ready? Time begins.

他对法律和政府很感兴趣,并成了一位雄辩滔滔的辩论家。Law and government interested him, and he became a powerful debater.

很精彩,处于劣势的一方最后还是赢了。Yeah, it's very wonderful. The underdog side won the debater at last.

要成为出色的辩论家,必须得掌握几种基本的辩论技巧。To be a good debater one needs to master several basic debating skills.

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优秀的辩手会去论证,差劲的才会借助情感。A good debater will reason, while a bad one might appeal to the emotions.

崔睿更加个人杰出表现两度获取最佳辩手荣誉。Mr. Cui Rui was honored "The Best Debater" in two rounds of the competition.

然而马作为身为一名出色辩手足以使他成为一名优秀的发言人。But his history as a great debater endows him with the makings of a good spokesperson.

一个好的辩论家认识到对对方说“你也一样”这样的语言会减弱自己在辩论中的立场。A good debater recognizes that resorting to a tu quoque only weakens one's position in the argument.

他是一个善于辩论的人,他那有意的讽刺击中要害,他的对手被攻得面红耳赤。He was a skilful debater , and his calculated sarcasm went home. His opponent flushed under the attack.

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雪球证明一个更美好的发言和辩论,但可以更好地游说拿破仑支持在会议之间。Snowball proves a better speaker and debater , but Napoleon can better canvass for support in between meetings.

在辩论会上,正方第二辩手没能在限定的时间内结束陈述。During the debate, the second debater in the positive party failed to finish off his statement within the time limit.

我也曾是一位年轻的辩手,虽然说不上辩论使我改变了世界,不过肯定它改变了我。I was also a young debater , and although I can't say that it helped me change the world, it certainly helped change me.