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他是经过严格训练的EMT救护专家并得到了国际潜水认证。He is a trained EMT and scuba certified.

介绍了EMT电磁场中的积分域和积分形式问题。The Integral domain and integral pattern in EMT electromagnetic field.

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阻断核心岩藻糖基化修饰,能有效阻断肾小管上皮细胞的EMT过程。Blockage of core fucosylation results in the inhibition of EMT in HK-2 cells.

今年的欧洲翻译协会年度会将在布鲁塞尔举行。The annual conference of the EMT network is currently taking place in Brussels.

提出适用于EMT的基于相位反馈搜索的信号解调方法。The paper presents an signal demodulation method used in EMT based on phase feedback search.

结论外源性CTGF能导致HK2细胞转分化,但不能促进其胶原合成。Conclusions Exogenous CTGF can mediate the EMT but has no collagen-synthesis effects on HK2 cells.

就连各种紧急情况也考虑到了,派对现场有一辆救护车和一个急救队随时候命。Every contingency was thought of, even an ambulance and EMT unit were on hand just in case they were needed.

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而无针注射器改善了针剂注射的诸多缺点,并利于紧急救助人员训练及使用。The needle-free injection improved many drawbacks and benefit to the EMT members in training and their usage.

对于出行的成员以及出行装备相对较少的家庭来说,新赛欧EMT的空间还是很不错。For travel and travel equipment, relatively few members of the family, the new Sail EMT space is still very good.

鼓励更多的大学为有志于成为翻译家的人提供翻译课程,尽管欧盟语言存在可能性的打击。"A course carrying the EMT label is recognised as being one of the best in the field, " Commissioner Vassiliou said.

警察和急诊医疗工作人员会对情况进行分析,然后决定人们是否需要住院治疗。Both police and the EMT workers will assess the situation and decide whether or not the person needs hospitalization.

于是,我们的研究支持了通过乙醇对EMT的刺激可以促进癌症进程的新机制。Thus, our study supports a possible new mechanism through which alcohol may promote cancer progression by stimulating EMT.

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为了支持欧盟翻译协会的工作,一间大学的翻译课程必须有一个翻译专家评估这个学校现有的状况To carry the EMT label, a university must have its course assessed by translation experts drawn from the existing network.

在大多数的社区中,紧急服务会派警察和急诊医疗救护车到报道有威胁的现场去。Emergency services in most communities will then send both the police and an EMT ambulance to the site of the reported threat.

例如,在创伤愈合中,伤口边缘的细胞经历EMT过程并迁移到伤口中间而进行愈合。For example, during wound healing, cells at the edge of the wound undergo a EMT process and migrate to the middle for sealing the wound.

一个急诊医生通常需要学习一两年的解剖学,生理学,或持有相关的第二学位证书。An EMT paramedic has usually taken courses in anatomy and physiology and completed a one-to-two-year program -- or the equivalent of an associate's degree.

一个急诊医生通常需要进修一两年的解剖学,生理学,或持有相关的第二学位证书。An EMT paramedic has usually taken courses in anatomy and physiology and completed a one-to-two-year program -- or the equivalent of an associate's degree.

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你是否会允许这些信息储存在一个智能的无线注射器上,以防止某个急救员或是护士不小心给你的孩子注射这些药物呢?Would you allow her medical data to be accessible by a smart wireless syringe which could prevent an EMT or nurse from accidentally giving her that medicine?

合资品牌的名气、自主品牌的价格,在加上领先的EMT变速箱时间,让雪佛兰新赛欧在同级别的小车中竞争力十足。Joint venture brand reputation, the price of its own brand, plus leading EMT transmission time for the new Chevrolet Sail small car in its class in the full competition.

当节流阀脱离卡住状态后车停了下来,那位紧急医疗人员能够自己爬出来走向一辆救护车,在接受了治疗后出院。When the throttle came unstuck and the truck came to a stop, the EMT was able to crawl out on his own and walk to an ambulance. He was treated and released from a hospital.