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男孩也有阴囊和睾丸。Boys also have a scrotum and testicles.

我的阴囊有不痛的肿大。I have had painless swelling in my scrotum.

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有时睾丸未能降入阴囊。Sometimes the testis fails to enter the scrotum.

但现在证实所谓的‘大提琴阴囊’只是个恶作剧。But it turned out that "cello scrotum" was a hoax.

输精管自阴囊引出,进入腹腔。This tube leads from the scrotum into the abdomen.

理学检查发现左阴囊肿大。A physical examination incidentally revealed an enlarged left scrotum.

公畜的生殖腺--睾丸,位于腹壁内的阴囊内。The male gonads, the testes, lie outside the abdomen within the scrotum.

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阴囊湿疹,激素类药物长期使用,会对生育有影响吗?Scrotum eczema, long-term use of hormone drugs, fertility will affect it?

术后3例患侧阴囊气肿,1例患侧阴囊血肿。Scrotum emphysema and hematoma occurred in 3 and 1 patients respectively.

用小刀在,阴囊底部的三分之一处切一下。You take a pocket knife and cut off about the bottom third of the scrotum.

它甚至可能形成透过阴囊皮肤可见的带蓝色的肿胀。It may even form a bluish swelling visible through the skin of the scrotum.

术后恢复顺利,无切口感染,无阴囊血肿。The patients recovered smoothly, without wound infection or scrotum hematoma.

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然而,男婴在诞生之前,它们通常要下降进入其阴囊。However, before the birth of a baby boy they normally descend into his scrotum.

文中并讨论阴囊气肿的可能机转。Possible mechanisms by which air becames localized in the scrotum are discussed.

照著镜子检查会有助于探查阴囊上任何可能的肿大。Standing in front of a mirror will help in looking for any possible swelling on the scrotum.

睾丸在出生前最后数月通常会降入阴囊。In male fetuses, the testicles normally descend into the scrotum in last months before birth.

雄性动物应该注意有两个明显正常的睾丸下降到阴囊。NB Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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如果婴儿是个男孩,他的睾丸会开始从体腔消失进入阴囊。If your baby is a boy, his testes will begin to descend from the body cavity into the scrotum.

有的男人说他们的高潮具有多个身体焦点,感觉高潮发生在阴囊和生殖器区域。Some men describe a focal experience, feeling the orgasm exclusively in the scrotum and the genital area.

方法对74例隐睾患者采用阴囊肉膜外固定加睾丸牵引术治疗隐睾症。Methods The outside fixation of the scrotum thecae and the testicle traction were applied to cryptorchism.