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另一个例子是航空航天。Another example is in aerospace.

他在航天工业部门工作。He works in the aerospace industry.

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第四是航太业。The fourth is the aerospace industry.

是一位航天工程师和医学博士。is an aerospace engineer an medical doctor.

就是我们要设计的,不过这是为宇航系统设计而已。is what we designed, but for aerospace systems.

我们国家以前有15个航天公司。There used to be 15 aerospace companies in this country.

而且索尔福德大学也是我们航天领域里相当不错的大学。And it's quite good university in our field of aerospace.

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我们无疑希望看到航天工业的就业队伍壮大。Clearly, we would like to see the aerospace workforce grow.

航天业没有受到铝型材案的影响。The aerospace industry isn't affected by the extrusions case.

如今这四家都被航空业巨擘波音合并掉了。Now all four companies have merged into aerospace titan Boeing.

警方称Pardo最近在为航空工业工作。Police said Pardo had recently worked is the aerospace industry.

航天是一个保守的行业,毕马威会计事务所的格林·贝拉米说。Aerospace is a conservative business, says Glynn Bellamy of KPMG.

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我们看到了世界上最先进的太空逃生设备。I got a chance to see the most advanced aerospace escape vehical.

航空航天。内十字形驱动器。米制系列。Aerospace Drives, Internal, Cruciform Metric Series-First Edition.

吉凶难卜的是英国航天工业的二万多个职位。At stake are more than 20,000 jobs in Britain's aerospace industry.

高速滚动轴承广泛应用于航空航天领域。High-speed rolling bearings are widely used in the aerospace field.

讨论了航天DC-DC混合集成电路的拓朴结构。Hybrid IC's of DC-DC converter for aerospace applications are discussed.

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俄罗斯防空军队目前使用的是s300和s400防空系统。Russia's aerospace defense troops currently use S-300 and S-400 systems.

航空部门的销售额包括军用和商用两个方面。Sales of the Aerospace Division are both commercial and defense-related.

皮型卫星是现代航天技术中的重要研究领域。In modern aerospace technologies, Pico-satellite is an important research area.