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我真同情他们,这些无知的可怜虫。I pity them, these poor unenlightened souls.

某些老人的思想仍然是老式的和落后的。The thought of some old men is still old-fashioned and unenlightened.

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这是一个未开化的人,他误以为某个国家要比另一个国家要好。IMMIGRANT, n. An unenlightened person who thinks one country better than another.

传统中国藏书机构是封闭,并且只提供少数的人使用。The traditional libraries in China were unenlightened and just opened for few people.

这是一个化外之地,人们的思想很落后。This is a remote place is beyond civiled influence, and people's ideas are very unenlightened.

对比之下,其他电脑公司则是雷同而愚钝的,只能向无知的大众推销其产品。The other computer companies were corporate and mindless, selling their products to the unenlightened masses.

任何一个时代的设计变革的初衷,其核心都是为了推翻或改进前一时代已然过时的、落后的、保守的形式感。The core aim of any design renovation is to overthrow or better the unenlightened or outdated form of old era.

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使过去经济落后且闭塞的赣南,在社会、文化、政治、经济各方面皆有新的转变与进步。In other words, Chiang Ching-kuo shifted unenlightened Southern Jiangxi to make progress of society, culture, politics and economy.

农民利益受损情况严重,农村落后、农民贫穷的状况没有得到根本转变。Finallly, the interests of farmers are impaired, the unenlightened and poor conditions of rural area have not been fundamentally changed.

一些宗教避开它,科学谴责塔罗牌是毫无道理的符号,是过去蒙昧的延续。Some religions shun the cards, and the scientific establishment condemns them as symbols of unreason, a holdover from an unenlightened past.

巴孛对愚昧的民众进行了神圣教育,给波斯人的思想、道德、社会习俗和环境造成了非同寻常的影响。He imparted divine education to an unenlightened multitude and produced marvelous results on the thoughts, morals, customs and condition of the Persians.

肇基于生产力水平和科技文化极端落后时代的中华文明,不可避免地带有早熟性。The Chinese civilization based on the extremely unenlightened level of productivity, science and culture inevitably bears the character of being precocial.

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在市场化程度越来越高的情况下,过往计划经济体制下用以解决征地问题的方法已经明显落后。On the condition of marketization, it has been proved that the prevenient solution for land requisition problems in the planned economy system is unenlightened.

动物没有这个能力因为他们是非道德的生命,因此蛇可以表达动物的思想,这种思想是缺乏教育的,不能领悟神的道德标准。God gave the serpent the power of speech. In doing so the serpent expressed the animal mind, which is unenlightened and unable to comprehend divine moral principles.

然而,由于管理手段和方法的落后,我国灌区普遍存在水资源利用率低下,水资源浪费严重的现象。However, as a result of unenlightened management means and methods, the water use efficiencies are universally low, and the waste of water is serious in irrigation areas.

相反的,一些未被启迪的所谓自由思想者们,没有深入思考的热情,只会概括和分解别人的思想系统和信仰。In contrast, some unenlightened free-thinkers are not enthusiastic to learn and think deeply enough, who thus generalise and trivialise others’ belief and thought systems.

将先进的图像识别技术应用到油井射孔质量检测当中而彻底改变传统的根据子弹发射情况来判断射孔状况的落后方法。Using the technology of image identification in quality detecting to the well perforation, the unenlightened method of observing the bullets-shooting status is thoroughly changed.

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受风气闭塞、财政窘促、人才匾乏等诸多因素的制约,清末甘肃的警政建设成效有限,与沿海内陆一些先进省份相比更是相形见绌。Being restricted by many factors, such as unenlightened general mood, finance shortage and talent lack, the effect was limited in construction of administration of police of GanShu in Late Qing.