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最大的例外是菲律宾。The big exception was the Philippines.

菲律宾吕宋岛东南岸港口。East coast ports in Luzon, Philippines.

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菲律宾的果蝠样子看起来像狐狸。The Fruit bat in Philippines looks like fox.

阿拉贡的父母原籍都是菲律宾。Ms. Aragon's parents are from the Philippines.

你好,我们是在菲律宾宿务位于公司。Hi We are a company located in Cebu Philippines.

菲律宾的问题是自找的。The problem of the Philippines itself-inflicted.

如果菲律宾能做到这一点,其他国家也能做到吗?If the Philippines can do it, can others as well?

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西班牙将菲律宾群岛割让给美国。Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States.

菲律宾棉兰老岛南岸港口。The south bank of the Philippines Mindanao ports.

台风纳沙在菲律宾群岛造成至少35人死亡。The typhoon killed at least 35 in the Philippines.

印度和菲律宾呼叫中心市场研究报告。Outsourcing Call Centers to India and the Philippines.

菲律宾在1946之后面临政局不稳定。The Philippines faced political instability after 1946.

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菲律宾和越南是它们当中唯一的负担沉重国家。The Philippines and Viet Nam were the only HBCs among them.

罗萨里奥说,菲律宾开始失去耐心。The Philippines is getting impatient, Mr. del Rosario said.

又一名华裔妇女在菲律宾遭绑架。Another Chinese-Filipino trader kidnapped in S. Philippines.

医生指着田菲询问男友。Asked the doctor, pointing to her boyfriend Tin Philippines.

在菲律宾这种情况更令人陶醉。The situation was even more intoxicating in the Philippines.

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两个月之后,来自菲律宾的消息经一艘船漂洋过海到了墨西哥。Two months later, news arrived from the Philippines by ship.

我们帮助菲律宾提高军事能力。We helped the Philippines upgrade its military capabilities.

中方不接受菲方的无端指责。China does not accept the Philippines unwarranted accusations.