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民生凋敝。The people lived in destitution.

这既是他们的窘困也是他们的财富所在。This is both their destitution and their wealth.

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一些失败国家只有满目的贫困和肮脏的政治,只是地理意义上的存在。Some weak states are simply geographical aspirations on a map, filled with destitution and squalor.

他的掠夺成性的军队给国家、人民造成巨大的破坏,很多人生活再贫困当中。His army of despoilers caused a great deal of destruction and left many people in a state of destitution.

大部分吉普赛人背井离乡,不纯粹是为了工作,更是为了摆脱贫困和迫害。But most Roma leave their homelands in search not of work but of freedom from destitution and persecution.

一美元一天的全球贫困定义是在世界银行1990年世界发展报告中首次亮相的。The dollar-a-day definition of global destitution made its debut in the bank's1990 World Development Report.

一美元一天的国际贫困线是在世界银行1990年的世界发展报告中首次提出的。The dollar-a-day definition of global destitution made its debut in the bank's 1990 World Development Report.

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1993年她捐了两次,在信中她解释说是因为她看到当年比平时“有更多的人受苦井陷入困境。In 1993, she gave twice, explaining in a letter that she had seen "more suffering and more destitution" than usual.

唯一的真正受益人是韦丹塔的所有者,他们将会越来越富有,而东加里亚人将陷入缺乏和贫穷。The only real beneficiary is Vedanta's owner, who will become even richer while the Dongria are reduced to destitution.

在最近的一份报告中板岩,莫拉河奥康纳认为,在海地历史上从来没有“有这么多的失业,贫困和对外界的依赖。”O'Connor concluded that never in Haitian history has "there been so much unemployment and destitution and dependence on outsiders."

马吕斯五年来一直生活在穷困、艰苦、甚至痛苦中,他忽然发现自己还一点没有认识到什么是真正的悲惨生活。Marius had lived for five years in poverty, in destitution , even in distress, but he now perceived that he had not known real misery.

蠲恤则例是指救灾扶荒与蠲减税赋方面的法规或准则。The rule of absolution for taking pities on destitution was related to relieving the disaster and reducing farm taxes and excising taxes.

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此地敏感颖悟之人被赋予的丰富感知力,竟与极端贫困伴行,也就不足为奇了。It is not surprising that the sensual riches granted to a sensitive man of these regions should coincide with the most extreme destitution.

过去实行“闭关自守”政策,结果搞得“民穷财困”。We pursued the policy of “self-seclusion” in the past, resulting in “the destitution of the people and exhaustion of the financial resource”.

报告指出,“尽管在过去一个世纪人类生活条件的改善超过历史任何时期,但赤贫现象依然存在。"This destitution persists even though human conditions have improved more in the past century than in the rest of history," the report notes.

看看伊斯坦布尔、孟买以及圣保罗的高楼大厦吧,它们建得一座比一座高,一座比一座惊心怵目,但是遍布周围的却是赤贫、肮脏的贫民窟,那里的景象确实可以用惨不忍睹来形容!Consider the skylines of Istanbul, Mumbai, and Sao Paulo, where stunning high-rises are surrounded by ungodly scenes of destitution and squalor.

安东尼生存在他的蚕茧贫困和孤立,直到洛杉矶属于攻击僵尸,恐怖分子,地震和其他灾害无穷。Anthony survives in his cocoon of destitution and isolation until Los Angeles comes under attack from zombies, terrorists, earthquakes and other untold disasters.

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虽然他是个极其温和的人,在爱国主义上他却充满了最炽热的火焰,仿佛要把他自己国家的缺点和贫困烧成灰烬。Though the meekest of men, he was full of fire which flamed its fiercest in his patriotism, as though to burn to ashes the shortcomings and destitution of his country.

可惜连年战争,政治腐败,民生凋敝限制了铁路功能的充分发挥,阻碍了经济的健康发展。The successive wars, political corruptions and the destitution of people's life restricted the function of the railway and hindered the healthy development of Xuzhou's economy.

纽约时报周日报导指出,多达150万美国民众将在未来数月耗尽其失业补助,恐将导致更多房屋止赎,更多民众陷于困乏.The New York Times reported on Sunday that up to 1.5 million Americans will exhaust their unemployment benefits in coming months, pushing more into home foreclosures and destitution.