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近距离见分布于全肺的粟粒性肉芽肿。At closer range, the miliary pattern is seen throughout the lung.

高分辨率显示许多粟粒结节的传播和随机分布在肺部。HRCT shows numerous miliary nodules in diffuse and random distribution in both lungs.

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目的回顾性总结和分析粟粒性脑结核病的MRI表现特点。Objective To study and analyze the MRI manifestation of miliary tuberculosis of the brain.

粟粒性肺结核的结节通常没有这么大而且数目更多。Nodules in miliary tuberculosis would not likely appear this large and tend to be more numerous.

目的探讨妊娠合并急性粟粒型肺结核病的临床特征。Objective To study clinic characteristic of pregnancy with acute miliary pulmonary tuberculosis.

脾粟粒性肉芽肿性炎,可见大量黄棕色肉芽肿。This spleen shows a miliary pattern of granulomatous inflammation, with numerous small tan granulomas.

这种治疗偶可致血性播散,组织学表现和TB相似但易于治疗。This rarely results in hematogenous dissemination, identical in appearance and histology to miliary TB, but easier to treat.

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目的分析具有气道病变的结节病的临床表现与实验室检查特点。Objective To analyse the clinical manifestation and the laboratory features of the sarcoidosis patients with endobronchial miliary lesion.

上图示小的不规则的胸膜下肉芽肿累及肺,下图示脾多发性小的黄褐色至黄色的粟粒性肉芽肿。There is a small, irregular subpleural granuloma involving the lung, and the spleen shows multiple small tan to yellow miliary granulomas.

肺结核合并结核性脑膜炎患儿的护理方法,提高治愈率。Objective To explore the nursing for patients with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tubercular meningitis and improve the cure rate.

多见的基本X线表现有粟粒样阴影、小结节絮状阴影、大结节团块样阴影、园形或类园形阴影和混合型。Common X-ray basic magnification, miliary shadow, small node patch shadow, large node mass shadow, circular of circular-like shadow and nrix type.

方法回顾性分析和总结26例粟粒型肺结核合并结核性脑膜炎患儿的护理经过。Method Nursing for 26 patients with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tubercular meningitis was retrospectively analyzed and summarized.

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夏季分装时,面部异常感觉与头昏、乏力、恶心等全身症状及皮肤出现红色粟粒样丘疹者较冬季时为多。General symptoms such as abnormal facial sensation, dizziness and fatigue, as well as miliary red papules on the skin were more obvious in summer than in winter.

同时患有乙肝、肝硬化、血播型结核、老人及小孩更易发生药物性肝炎。In addition, drug-induced hepatitis occurred easily in the old people, children as well as patients with hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis and acute miliary tuberculosis.

在山西赈灾期间,直隶总督李鸿章、山西巡抚曾国荃又对他称颂不已,这都对他后来出任军机大臣产生了重大的影响。When relieving the people in stricken Shanxi, he was spoken high of by Li Hong Zhang and Zeng Guoquan. All this has great impact on him when he was miliary governor later.

结论对粟粒型肺结核合并结核性脑膜炎的患儿实行有效的综合护理是减少并发症,降低病死率的主要措施。Conclusion A comprehensive nursing for patients with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tubercular meningitis is effective in reducing complications and death rate.

如同血性性转移,小结节可与小血管相关,提示病灶播散的模式。As in patients with miliary metastases, the small nodules can sometimes be seen in relation to small pulmonary vessels, an appearance that reflects their mode of dissemination.

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根据莫扎特死亡证明上的官方记录,他死于“急性粟粒热”,即一种粟粒状的皮疹。On his death certificate it was officially recorded that the cause of death was hitziges Frieselfieber, or "heated miliary fever," referring to a rash that looks like millet seeds.

结论应加强对粟粒性肺结核和弥漫性肺泡癌诊断的认识,及早做出鉴别诊断,以便临床正确用药。Conclusions Improve the understanding of diagnosis of miliary tuberculosis and diffuse alveolar carcinoma and make differential diagnosis as soon as possible with the aim of treating correctly.

我们报导一位卅二岁女性病人罹患生殖器结核病,合并腹腔内粟粒性扩散,在手术前被诊断为卵巢恶性肿瘤合并腹膜腔癌病转移。We presented a 32-year-old female who had genital tuberculosis associated with intraperitoneal miliary spreading, diagnosed preoperatively as malignant ovarian tumor with peritoneal carcinomatosis.