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一个特技。An acrobatic etude.

你想去看杂技表演吗?。Would you go to the acrobatic show!

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我们去观看杂记表演,好吗?Shall we go to watch an acrobatic show?

避开那些强烈的有氧操式的瑜伽。Avoid vigorous acrobatic styles of yoga.

我们期待中国的领导人身怀绝艺。Let us hope that China's leaders are acrobatic.

这次的“贺新春杂技汇演”真是有意义啊!This " new acrobatic show" is really meaningful!

他过去常在杂技表演中表演驱车特技。He used to stunt-drive in acrobatic performances.

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我们有好多技巧型、运动型的人。We got a lot of acrobatic type of people, athletic.

燕子很擅长于飞行,它们是杂技飞行家。Swallows are good at flying, they are acrobatic fliers.

他们为孩子们安排了一场杂技表演。They laid on an acrobatic performance for the children.

她做规定动作时紧紧抓住了双杠。She gripped the bars tightly during her acrobatic routine.

我们在聚会上玩得非常尽兴。The acrobatic troupe livened the garden party up immensely.

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精采的杂技表演博得全场喝采。The excellent acrobatic performance brought down the house.

许多客人非常喜欢中国的民间杂技表演。Many guests are interested in a Chinese Folk Acrobatic Show.

沧州的吴桥县是世界著名的杂技之乡。Wuqiao County, Cangzhou of the world famous acrobatic village.

摄于上海的一个马戏场Picture taken during an acrobatic show in a Shanghainese theatre.

表演杂技如翻筋斗,翻滚或旋转。To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, rolls, or twists.

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醒狮贺岁,精彩表演,新春抽奖,与众同乐。Lion Dance, Cultural Performance, Acrobatic Performance and Lucky Draw.

杂技教育主要指培养杂技表演人才的教育。Acrobatics education mainly refers to that of cultivating acrobatic actors.

在沈阳前进杂技团训练的学生,中国。Students train at the Shenyang Qianjin Acrobatic School in Shenyang, China.